Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 10:44 am
Reviewer: JolisGSD (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this story!

    I can hardly wait to see what Madame Pomfrey is going to say once she sees Harry. Also wondering about that potion that the evil witch made Harry drink at his first detention.

    Hope your assignments go well!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you!  I do like that Madam Pomfrey can usually shed a new light on things and it’s excellent that you haven’t forgotten Umbridge’s potion yet, keep it in the back of your mind for a little longer and the questions that arise soon will be answered (sorry, for some reason I’m sounding like a horoscope – to that end, you will have a wonderful day filled with thank you muffins *throws muffins at... ahem, to you* ^^)

    and thanks, I hope my assignments go well to XD

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 8 10 Nov 2009 2:17 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay, you updated. I've been waiting to see it pop up into the update box. :)

    I liked this chapter. I know it's not very action filled, so it can be somewhat taxing to write, but it had a good chunk of character development that's necessary for a good story to progress. I seriously can't wait for the next chapter as I'm anxious to see what Pomfrey will find.

    Yay, Snape for picking up on how bad Harry is feeling and sending him to the Hospital Wing. I didn't expect your Snape to suddenly be nice to Harry so how you approached it worked well. We see Sev warming up the tiniest, tiniest, almost didn't see it bit, yet he still gets to stay his snarky self for a little longer.

    Ugh Umbridge is so evil. I hate her, and I hate the fact she loves pink because she tainted my favorite color. I hope Pomfrey or someone picks up what she's doing to Harry soon so he doesn't have to face any more sessions with her.

    I totally understand needing to get assignments done and the whole forced writing kills creativity thing. I don't really have papers to write, but I need to take my GRE (a test to get into grad school) in the next few weeks, so I've been studying for that. Basically it involves memorizing words you'll never use again and then be able to pick its antonym and know how to use it in a sentence. Basically, it has nothing to do with aptitude, which supposedly it's suppose to tell how well one will do in grad school, and everything to do with how much you study for the stupid test. Blah.

    You totally did better in terms of POV this chapter. *applauds* It was really smooth and like a big improvement over the last chapter, so kudos to you.

    I just want to say again that I'm so happy I got something to read tonight. I've been working on my prompt fest fic, which actually turned into a missing babyfic! moment for AIE, and while I have the idea completely in my head, my concentration has been zilch lately.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much ^^ I always look forward to your reviews for the insight you put into them, it's so rare for people to comb through any piece of writing and it helps so much *throws muffins at... ahem, to you ^^)

    I know my updates are sporadic and it isnt about to change, it's wonderful that there are people who understand (with other fics I've had people threaten me with oreo-murder for taking too long, luckily no death threats here ^^).  Your test sounds more than a little ridiculous (and hard TT) good luck for it, by comparison I'm rather lucky (my assignments are all writing centering around a short story and an article ^^ at least mine are semi-fun ^^)  I think you're the type of person who does well with what they want to do though and if it's something you want I dont think you'll have any problems.  Hope it's over and done with soon ^^ and besides, you're a fantastic writer, surely finding antonyms and definitions arent too much for you?

    Heh, this one was very taxing to write, possibly because of all the character development (it's amazing how exact that has to be so as not to cause inconsistencies later on, so much editing TT) I'm glad I'm managing to keep you intrigued, hopefully you'll like the next one enough to want to read chapter 10, that one will end nicely (well, my idea of nicely, which is really quite shocking a slightly gruesome... sorta... it will be worth reading anyway ^^)

    Do you honestly think Snape's development is believable then?  He can be so stubbornly hard to write TT (he's making me suffer ^^) - I think he's playing it lowkey right now, he doesnt necessarily like Harry (who knows what goes on in his head ^^) but it's still his job to make sure he's not about to pop his clogs you know?  I really hope I dont stuff him up though *bites nails anxiously* ^^ (and "I didnt expect Snape to suddenly be nice to Harry..." hehe, I live to surprise ^^)

    I love the fact that you hate Umbridge ^^ (you'll hate her even more soon, if thats possible ^^)  - and I feel bad that she's tainted your favourite colour but just think, the colour she likes isnt really pink, it's like a disgusting, umbridgey colour that's purely her, not pink.  there's nothing wrong with a bit of pink. ^^  And apologies in advance.  Harry's not done with Umbridge yet TT - just think AIE, Umbridge is Harry's cancer... although his is gonna be gone a lot sooner than your Harry's... sort of... ^^

    and thanks!  I'm so glad my POV improved, I hope I dont ruin it next chapter (I've noticed in rereading next chapter that I have a huge amount of jumping to correct - not literally, though jumping is fun ^^ - and I may fail monumentally but I'll try to avoid it ^^) *exchanges your kudos for muffins* thanks for the kudos! ^^

    And very glad I could provide you with something to read when you needed it ^^  Cant wait to read your missing babyfic moment and I hope something helps the concentration problem, I've been having similar probs lately so I know how irritating it is.

    Good luck with everything and I hope life calms down and reorganises itself soon, you sound like you need the break (or some insanely cute fics to read to cheer you up more ^^)

    have fun and thanks ^^ x 


Title: Chapter 7 26 Oct 2009 8:16 am
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my... I'm glad that several people have suspicions and I think it's interesting that Malfoy happened to be one of the first to notice something is wrong. I hope he doesn't decide to try and do something to Harry while he's down.

    Great chapter--I look forward to more.


    Author's Response:

    Hehe, ooh, I hadnt thought of Draco doing that... hehe nah, I'm not that cruel (I'm such a liar ^^) - Draco will only end up a friend if he decides to write himself in again (or something more?... heh, I really dont know ^^, I'm leaving it to him ^^)

    I'll update soon... well, sooner than last time ^^ Thanks ^^

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 7 25 Oct 2009 7:36 pm
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Congratulations for your birthday and best wishes!
    The chapter is delicious present for readers, as always. The title is so fitting.
    The description of Harry's wounds is worrisom...
    Thanks again for marvelous update, it makes me restless in waiting next one! Pleease, hurry!;))

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  It was a lot of fun, all the better for having such gorgeous readers and reviewers ^^

    Ooh, I cant remember my writing ever being described as delicious before, thank you! ^^ and it’s probably good that you’re worried about Harry’s wounds... they don’t exactly sound healthy do they? (or as healthy as toad-inflicted cat scratches can be anyway... where do I get this stuff? ^^)

    I’ll try not to keep you restless for long ^^ thanks so much,

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 9:01 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, poor Harry. I wonder if Snape suspected anything. I really hope that someone finds out soon what that toad is doing.

    Great chappie as usual; so well written.

    Oh, Happy Birthday. Mine's coming up too. WE can both have birthday cake!

    Author's Response:

    I think Snape suspects a lot more than anyone – including me – ever realises, I don’t relish writing from his thoughts when the time comes ^^

    Don’t worry, the toad will go splat soon... although not soon enough to warrant breath-holding, I think you’d suffocate ^^

    Thanks ^^ and Happy Birthday for soon ^^ *gives you a big slice of chocolate mud cake* wooo, party! ^^ have fun and laugh lots x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 4:02 pm
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay, birthday cake! Happy belated birthday!

    Good chapter. I really like how you're exploring Harry's mental state. In the books he comes off as so levelheaded that it's almost unbelievable. Rowling didn't really have Harry suffering much from his upbringing, which I understand because she wrote it as a children's series, but I love when authors remember that even if Harry hadn't been abused physically, there's still some lingering emotional damage there.

    I hope we get to some more Harry and Severus interaction soon. I can't wait to see how you'll approach that.

    Poor Harry. Those wounds on his back sound like they're infected. I had to cringe when he had to peel off his shirt. Ouch!

    I do have one suggestion, but it's really a style choice. I've noticed you jump around in terms of point of view quite a lot. That's completely okay as many published authors do, but sometimes I feel your transitions between the points of view are a bit disjointed and not seamless. You also at times go into a more omniscient point of view, which works, too but again sometimes I feel like I'm thrown off a bit. I just wanted to let you know as something to work on.

    However, I must say I'm super intrigued to see where you're going with this, so I can't wait to read the next update!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thanks! ^^  *gives you a huge slice of birthday cake with whipped cream and strawberries* ^^

    I know what you mean, Harry seems just a tad abnormal by the end of the series because he never really reacts to anything, not as much as a teenager would (i.e. very very dramatically ^-^)  I just hope I’m not going overboard in the opposite direction.

    Hehe, you’re making me nervous now ^^ - hope the Snape/Harry interaction doesn’t disappoint ^^

    Ooh, ten points to you (I wonder if I should be keeping a tally?) yup, those wounds aren’t in very good shape... and I tend to get carried away with gruesome descriptions sometimes, did I do that again with his shirt? (hehe... whoops ^^) at least it gets a response out of readers though XD

    Thanks for the suggestion too, and for taking the time to notice and tell me about it ^^ *gives you another slice* ^^  - I think I try to get as many characters POVs out of a scene as possible and skip a bit too much so I’ll go over my next few chapters for that (especially since I know one part I’ve already written which I know has that problem, so thank you ^^ hehe together we’ll get me writing at a first grade level ^^)

    Hope I keep you intrigued ‘til the last chapter (whenever that may be ^^)

    Be happy and safe x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 3:37 pm
Reviewer: Jaylen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Another great chapter! You are really setting the stage for Harry's emotions. Love Snape lurking in the shadows, so in character for him.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! ^^ and I think you’re right, it would be a little OOC for Snape to spring forth as the knight in shining armour ^^ (I mean, can you imagine him riding a white horse?  Weird ^^)

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 1:12 pm
Reviewer: jolisgsd@gmail.com (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Thanks for the update! Glad your muse is back -- I kept checking every day on the P&S site just in case the automatic notification for your story wasn't working! Looking forward to more.

    Author's Response:

    I know, finally! ^^ aww that’s sweet of you, I’ll try not to leave you waiting anymore ^^

    Thanks so much ^^ have fun x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 11:45 am
Reviewer: +-= (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Amazing as always; I really cannot wait till the next chapter is posted.
    What is best is how you have developed Ron as a person. So many fics just show him as clueless, etc. But this is different--much more...real.


    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^^  I’ll try to be quick(er) about it ^^

    I’m so glad you like Ron’s development too, I was worried I was getting carried away with him and ignoring Snape but I think the development’s been good given how long this fic is sure to become ^^

    Thanks so much ^^ have fun x

Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 9:24 am
Reviewer: Catti666 (Signed) [Report This]
    Yikes, you certainly know how to write an exciting fic ; ))). Nice idea draw Draco in this! Now Snape got the interest in this, wonderful. I truly like your writing style so muchhhhh. I wish you a lot of plot bunny fairy's attention. It truly likes talented writers ; )))).

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ and I think Draco kind of wrote himself into it ^^ 

    aww, you’re sweet, and I hope the plot bunny fairy sticks around for a bit too, faster updates that way ^^

    have fun x

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