Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 7 24 Oct 2009 8:29 am
Reviewer: Jenny70503 (Signed) [Report This]
    Another fabulous chapter!! I loved the interaction with Harry and Draco, as well as his outburst in front if his friends...I wonder how long he'll be able to keep this a secret...I can't wait to read more!!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^-^ - and hopefully you'll be surprised by how long (or short... if that makes sense? ^^) he can keep his secret and the way he's found out ^-^  But I'm getting ahead of myself ^^ - glad you liked the bit of Draco too, he's writing himself in and out of the story when he feels like it so it's good his first appearance went down well ^^

    Thanks ^^ and have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 23 Oct 2009 2:30 pm
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is brilliant! I love it!
    Don't get me wrong, though - I absolutely loathe what Umbridge is doing to Harry, and I'm petrified as to what could happen next, but you've written it so perfectly and have really explored the possible pschological effects on Harry that could have been brought on from various aspects of his life that it's a beauty to read. Thanks for writing this!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much ^^ 

    And I'm glad you loathe Umbridge - if you liked her I'd be doing something wrong ^^ - and that you're petrified of what will happen next - although I'm sorry you feel petrified.  I hope you like the next few chapters, they're going to be just as... umm, interesting ^^, and I love that you're reading it as being so deep and psychological, it's what I'm aiming for so thanks! ^^

    stay safe and have fun ^^ x

Title: Chapter 6 15 Oct 2009 2:30 pm
Reviewer: LJD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Hooo boy! That is sooo like Umbridge. What a .. fjdsfhdjsg. I think it was the right amount of violence.. and i can't wait til Snape finds out >:)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much, its so reassuring to read reviews like yours, thanks for making me feel I can trust where I’m taking this ^^

    And I cant wait ‘til I can write Snape’s reaction ^-^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 15 Oct 2009 9:00 am
Reviewer: Ty (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This story is great! I love the way you write Harry and Snape it is fantastic! Is it my imagination or did this story say something about self-harm warning? If so I was wondering when that may come in ( not that I want self-harm it is just out of curiosity) if it didn't then please excuse my randomness and lack of reading skills! Please keep up the awesome work!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you! And yes, there will be self-harm in this fic, although it will come a little later, Snape will be a little kinder first, though there may be some borderline stuff beforehand – and don’t worry, I know what you mean – it’s a little odd when there’s no aspect of something that was in the summary ^^

    Thanks ^^, hope you continue to like it ^^ have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 15 Oct 2009 1:11 am
Reviewer: GraveDigger_Resurrection (Signed) [Report This]
    This is crazy-intense, and I want more. Umbridge has always been my favorite villain. Voldemort is a first class bad-ass of course, but there's something so *vile* about the mundane, insidious existence of Umbridge that almost makes her worse. I can't wait to see what happens, and for someone to figure it out and help Harry. Especially if that someone is Snape...

    Eagerly awaiting an update! :)

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  And you picked the perfect word for Umbridge = insidious ^^, she’ll definitely worm her way in to Harry’s insecurities (and some trouble for herself as well eventually ^^) and yes... it will be Snape ^^

    Thanks ^^ have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 15 Oct 2009 12:59 am
Reviewer: jolisgsd (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The chapter was alright. Yes, very violent, but that fits with Umbridge. I hope, however, that you're not going to drag this abuse out for several chapters. I personally don't like reading about it, but I can handle it since you're setting the story that Harry is willing to put up with an incredible amount "for the greater good". I'm hoping that Snape will soon become aware of this and the relationship between Snape and Harry will improve drastically, etc., etc.

    Please continue to update quickly! Thanks.

    Author's Response:

    thank you ^^ - the abuse and particularly its effects on harry’s mental state will continue a little longer – I don’t want to risk rushing Snape or the plot – and I’m glad it’s obvious about Harry’s ‘for the greater good’ complex ^^  (it is rather important eventually ^^) and Snape will have a change of heart soon ^^

    Thanks, have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 9:35 pm
Reviewer: Ponytail Goddess (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, that cat cane is going to give me nightmares. Honestly, I think it's getting to verge of over-the-top with the violence. When the claws went into Harry's flesh, I found myself reminded of Biblical torture with a 'cat of nine tails.' I personally like angst, but am seriously bothered by the fact that Harry is suffering in silence and that no one even seems to be worried about what's going on.

    I think this would be better if either Harry's friends had suspicions about what was going on (even if they are wrong) or if someone caught the violence at this point it time. That's just my opinion though.

    The chapter was very creative and well-written. Nice work.


    Author's Response:

    Really?  I think I accidentally went into over-descriptive mode and made it too violent, I hadn’t even thought of any kind of biblical references... creepy... and don’t worry, people are and will be worried, I’m just trying to build it up a bit (I don’t wanna jump into the snapey goodness too soon ^^)

    And thank you for the opinions, I love and use them all in some way (and you did give me an idea with the writing of the next chapter so thank you ^^)

    Thanks so much, hope my ‘darkest before the dawn’ part of the fic doesn’t scare you off ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 8:52 pm
Reviewer: Taryn (Signed) [Report This]
    There was a cat on me as I read this. So. I dunno. I think you offended her, 'cos she moved on.


    And and and and..yeah. Updateplease?

    Author's Response:

    aww, aplogise to the cat for me?  Didn’t mean to offend her TT

    Glad you think it’s interesting ^^ - as long as it’s a good interesting ^^

    I’ll be as quick as I can ^^ thanks so much, have fun x ^^

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 8:02 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Do me a favour and let Snape find out what the toad is doing, and cane HER!!!!

    Great chappie, but yes... graphic.

    Yes, still love cats.

    Author's Response:

    very glad you didn’t lose your love of cats because of me ^^, and sorry for the graphic-ness of it, there’s one more you may not like in that case but there will be plenty of warning and I’m treading carefully as I write it so no reason to worry yet ^^

    Umbridge deserves caning and potions and anything else Snape can think of... certainly not muffins *hands you a muffin* you do ^^ thanks! Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 7:55 pm
Reviewer: Ebi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm really enjoying your story so far! I squeal every time I find it updated! This last chapter didn't seem too violent, either- you said just enough to get the severity of what's happening across, I think. I also feel that your characters are very believable and you're doing a good job of getting Harry's deeper feelings across. The one thing I found a bit hard to believe was when he drank that potion- I can't understand why he would willingly drink that potion when he didn't know what it would do. I just didn't entirely understand his reasoning.
    Thank you for updating so frequently and please keep it coming!!!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much! What you said just made me smile so much ^^ - and I’m so relieved you didn’t think it too violent too, that was a worry and the amount of people who seem to trust me with the idea is so reassuring ^^  I know Harry probably would have put up more of a resistance to drinking the potion but Sirius was being a jerk, Umbridge isn’t letting up, Snape’s still Snape at the moment and my Harry is a little less... self-assured than canon, all of it together makes for a very bad week and a very insecure Harry who honestly thought it would be simpler to drink it – not to mention, if I was in that situation I’d put up more resistance to caning than to drinking a potion so the fact that he went through with that too... I hope it isn’t too hard to believe, it was one of those things that needed to happen one way or another ^^ (and you have to admit, he is having one crap week, he’d have to be pretty fed up by now, I’m so mean to him)

    Sorry I’m leaving it a little longer this time than usual but I’ll keep them coming ^^, thanks so much for the reassuring (and incredibly flattering) comments ^^ have fun x

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