Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 6:00 pm
Reviewer: Jaylen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my Gosh!! That was awful!! (Not your writing) I felt so sorry for Harry. I sure hope snape is going to notice something is wrong soon and help him. I'm inclined to say too violent, but it was great angst. Hope you update soon.

    Author's Response:

    I’m glad you felt sorry for harry, means my writing isn’t completely crap ^^ - and very glad you think it was good in terms of angst – keep that in mind for the next few chapters? (Snape really will lighten up soon but something else is... gonna happen...)

    Thanks! ^^ have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 2:52 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Umbridge just needs to die now! A slow, excruciatingly painful death would be nice.

    Oh, I do hope Severus discovers all this very soon and will learn how mistaken he's been about Harry all this time. And then he can devise a suitable torturous punishment for Umbridge!

    I'm looking forward to the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    oh, wouldn’t it just?  In a big pot of something boiling with dancing house elves all around... okay, little violent again, sorry ^^

    I hope sev finds out soon too... oh... I keep forgetting I’m the one writing this ^-^ - he will soon, promise ^^and then I’ll let him loose on Umbridge... or Dobby... imagine the revenge there... so high-pitched *looks wistful*... sorry, I’m so out of it right now ^-^

    Thanks so much, hope the following few chapters dont turn you off this fic completely, sev should be a bit nicer by chapter 10 (or around about) so ‘til then, have fun  ^^ x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 1:03 pm
Reviewer: Catti666 (Signed) [Report This]
    You were so horrible to Harry, he suffered so much. You enjoyed making him suffer? I certainly enjoyed reading,hehehhehe. Please update the story soon!

    Author's Response:

    hehe, I was worried I’d traumatised you but seeing as you enjoyed it, well, that’s okay then ^^  thanks for r+r-ing ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 12:27 pm
Reviewer: Artemis (Anonymous) [Report This]

    I want to click the "next" button SO bad... but there isn't one yet...

    I'd say the violence/plot ratio was right on. We now have a very definitely abused Harry (whose marks would be immediately identifiable) AND a believable, terrifying Umbridge. Yum.

    (Yes, I talk about stories like food. And I still love cats. And despise pink frills. Although, if I didn't, I'd get myself a cane like hers, just to scare the s*** out of people.)

    Author's Response:

    hehe, I was reading a fic recently and had the exact same problem, sorry *tentatively hands you a muffin* forgive me? ^^

    Excellent!  I love that at least some of the people reading this think that it wasn’t too violent ^^, yum indeed ^^

    And that’s good too, I would hate to think I’ve scared people off of cats (or onto pink frills *shudder*) – would be a good ice breaker at parties huh *pulls cane out of handbag* oh, lookie what I’ve got! ^^

    Thanks, have fun (and hide the cane ‘til after you’ve stolen people’s cookies... you may compare stories to food but its the only thing in my head... not literally... I don’t think... ^^)

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 9:45 am
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Pink kitty paw. She sertainly adores her toys, eh? I think Umbridge could teach Malfoy himself to snivel. )) Who would think - perfect pink perfidy.
    "It made Harry want to retch that she would call him dear and hit him at the same time."
    Have no fear, man, she LOVES you! *blech* My cursed imagination - I just had this mental image of Fudge in articles. "Tsk-tsk, we can't go on this particular political course, now can we, my love?" "Nh-uh" "Tha-at right. Fudge, Fudge, we can't hold grudge. *test swish* Now we will clean everything... through main gates - the way you do evrything in your life, I'm afraid, my poor silly."
    Sorry for this stand-up). The longer I read the less became my levity.
    Poor Harry. You described his thoughts and feelings convincingly (loneliness, hero complex, his anger at his friend's words). If Dumby knew of his thoughts, guess old man would have heart attack. Or maybe not?..
    I fear of this potion - what was this vile stuff? What is this "surprise" (will it be something kind?)?
    Great work at characters and atmosphere, can't wait to see what's next. Best wishes!

    Author's Response:

    ahh, umbridge and her toys, volatile combo really, but she’ll go back to her classics soon... ha, I’m awful at giving hints ^^

    Wow, interesting tangent you lost yourself in there huh ^^ and no, you were right the first time, my dumbles would freak if he knew harry’s thoughts... i doubt I could make him mean if I tried ^^ haha, will the surprise be kind? Perhaps you should reread the chapter :p

    Thanks so much, hope you keep liking the fic as it progresses ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 8:24 am
Reviewer: Jenny70503 (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved every agonizing minute of it, and I'm wondering how long it will take for someone to find out...poor Harry...is it wrong that tortuing the kid excites me? What an original, well-thought-out story!!! I don't think it was too violent, just about the right amount of violence, if you ask me. What's poor Harry going to do for hix next detention, he sure is in a tough situation...if no one finds out and saves him from Umbridge, she's going to probably be even more angry when he's late again!! Great job!!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! ^^ - mmm, I know what you mean, so many people seem intent on when Harry will find help – I just don’t want to rush the ‘setting up’ part of his trauma because otherwise I’d be limited as to how bad Snape would feel for him (not that their whole relationship will be built on sympathy... well, suppose you’ll just have to read ^^) and if its wrong that harry torture excites you then I’m worried about what it makes me when I’m the one writing it ^^

    All problems will be solved eventually, so have faith that he will be helped ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 8:13 am
Reviewer: X_x_Veg (Signed) [Report This]
    I am not traumatised, it was the perfect amount of violence, I am still a fan of cats, but only if you update in the next five minutes. :p This is quickly becoming one of those stories I just can't wait for and get all giddy when I see that one of my favs has been updated, so hurry up!!! Start writing the next chapter so I read it god damn it!

    Author's Response:

    excellent ^^ I’m so glad there are people who sound as though they’ll continue reading despite the occasional horrifying... stuff ^^, aww, now I feel bad for not updating faster – hope it didn’t affect your opinion of cats TT and I’m thrilled to hear that – there are so many fics I get all giddy over when theyre updated and it’s so cool to hear someone else say that about mine, thanks! ^^

    Have fun x (and hope I’m not leaving you in too much suspense ^^)

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 6:59 am
Reviewer: JLAJ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    More, please?

    Author's Response:

    of course! ^^ I’ll write fast,

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 4:19 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Fecking hell! That woman needs to die! Preferably ripped apart and then fed to the spiders... slowly.
    Why is Harry putting up with her fracking lessons? He needs to TELL someone! ANYONE!

    Author's Response:

    wow, I’m impressed my writing could evoke such a... um, strong reaction ^^ - all I can say is keep reading and we’ll get to everything ‘all in good time’... too early for dumbledorisms? ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 2 14 Oct 2009 3:19 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Harry. I don't Umbridge will take to Harry having detentions before hers well. I hope the cleaning solution isn't doing any harm to Harry's hand. It's going to be a long week ahead for Harry.

    Author's Response:

    Wow, you got so close to one of my ideas!  *whispers* don’t tell anyone ^^ and yes, a very very long week ahead, I’m so mean TT

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