Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 1 14 Oct 2009 3:09 am
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    Great start. I'm really intrigued to where you're going with this. It seems like it promises to be dark, and I love dark, angsty fics.

    Umbridge is creeping me out even more than usual. *shudders* Poor Harry. I hope she doesn't do anything too horrible to him.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! ^^ well, if you like dark and angsty then hopefully you’ll like the following detentions... I’m still a little worried about the reactions I’ll get for where I’m going with it but it’s been my vision for the story from the start so I think I’ll just have to stay true to the story (it’s so hard! ^^)

    Sorry, this will sound bad but that’s awesome, I’m so glad you’re creeped out by Umbridge, means I’m succeeding ^^  umm... how horrible would it be if she got very slightly inventive one more time?

    Thanks for reading btw, I’m massively in awe of Alea Iacta Est and am very flattered that you like my fic when o know how talented you are, I review every chapter I read on ff but I can do it here too if you like ^^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 6 14 Oct 2009 2:20 am
Reviewer: Miin (Anonymous) [Report This]
    So what did the potion do? I bet no one else can see the marks or blood, right?

    Author's Response:

    ahh, close but not quite (in a way but not the one you’re thinking), you’ll just have to keep reading ^^

Title: Chapter 1 14 Oct 2009 1:20 am
Reviewer: Minnie (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very well done.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^^, unfortunately the reassurance is necessary but luckily for me I have at least one very kind reviewer ^-^,

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 5 12 Oct 2009 8:35 am
Reviewer: fictionfan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is kind of scary... in a good way.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank you... I think ^^ (hope next chapter isn't too much then)

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 5 10 Oct 2009 6:52 pm
Reviewer: Nemo (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I actually let out a sound of despair upon not seeing a "Next" button. It sounded rather like a duck being stepped on. I sped through these first five chapters with great hunger that has yet to be satisfied. In metaphor this story would be a sundae with many yummy things on top. Umbridge is my favorite villain in the books and I love stories with her being supremely evil. I wait impatiently for the next chapter.

    Author's Response:

    Haha, sorry but that made me laugh, I never knew a 'next' button could sound like anything, let alone that ^-^ (although unfortunately I know what a duck flying into the side of a car sounds like... my mum's a terrible driver at times... I'm very very heartened to hear that you were so taken with the first chapters of this fic (and very sorry to leave you hanging at such an inopportune moment).  And you might like the next chapter if you like Umbridge-evil... she gets worse.  I wish you many more sundaes with yummy things on top to come (and I'm flattered my writing can be compared to such ^^) - enjoy the next one (I hope) ^^

    have fun and thanks for the wonderful words (my blueberry muffins ^^) x

Title: Chapter 5 10 Oct 2009 10:06 am
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Dear me, I only just catched myself from screwing up my eyes. DD This is scaring with sickness. Thoroughly nauseating and outrageous. Thank you for work well done! Can't wait to see more. Would like to see Snape happy and content, when Potter will be at last brought down a peg or two.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, which is lucky because if you'd screwed your eyes shut you wouldnt have been able to see what happens next ^^.  Although I apologise for nauseating you I'm so glad you like it ^^  Wow, you're the first one to want Harry punished... well, if so then you'll like next chapter...

    thanks for r+r-ing ^^

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 5 09 Oct 2009 8:04 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    You deserve tons of great blueberry muffin reviews for this wonderful story. And here's hot chocolate to go with the muffin...more please? :)

    Author's Response:

    Aww thank you!  How can I refuse to update as quickly as humanly possible with an offering like that?!  Make sure you get hot chocolate for you too ^^ (and here’s a Snape plushy for when you read next chapter, you gave me comfort food, it’s only fair I give you comforting plushy-hugs ^^)

    Have fun and thanks x (slurp ^^)

Title: Chapter 5 09 Oct 2009 6:34 pm
Reviewer: .../ (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my! Please update the next chapter quickly, Umbridge is making over excited and I need to know what happens.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe, okay, I hope you aren’t (too) horrified by Umbridge’s punishment when you do read it though.

    Have fun and thanks x

Title: Chapter 5 09 Oct 2009 1:45 pm
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous) [Report This]
    LOL lovely I would love to read more please.

    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^^, I’ll update today or tomorrow ^-^ (sorry ‘bout the cliffy ^^)

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 5 09 Oct 2009 11:28 am
Reviewer: Verdad y Vida (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Ahhh! *covers eyes* Umbridge is so scary...and evil. Almost a lower life form than Voldemort, and that's saying something. I only let her off the hook of being lower because she appears to like cats, or at least the idea of them.

    Of course, Voldemort seems to like Nagini.

    Um, haha, yes, I suppose my comments last chapter *do* come across as a little violent. Dear me. Okay, well, I don't honestly want to do those things—except for poisoning Umbridge, *that* I could handle—but Sirius and Snape need a wake-up call. I'm really mad at Sirius, but I don't think he's quite stable, and he certainly has always been fundamentally immature, so I guess I'll have to let him off if he makes up for it otherwise. Snape...well, Snape isn't Harry's family, so you could say that he doesn't have as much of an obligation to be nice to Harry as Harry's godfather does, but he's bitter and mean and unfair, and has a lot of making up to do himself!

    :D Excuse my character ramblings. Very nice job with the chapter. I really appreciate your taking the time to respond to people's reviews—reviewing is much more rewarding when you can have a dialogue of sorts with the author. :)

    Oh—your point (about growing uncertain about a chapter if you keep it to yourself too long) is well taken. I do exactly the same thing, but people (me included) are obviously enjoying your story, so keep 'em coming! :D Editing's great, but don't let yourself get discouraged when you're doing so nicely!

    Author's Response:

    aww, don’t be scared *hands you a Snape plushy too*  You can cover your eyes ‘til its over if you like but you might miss some important bits.  And you’re right, Umbridge is almost worse than Voldy.  Maybe she is... as far as I know Voldemort doesn’t like pink (oh the horror if he does ^^).  But then, like you said, she seems to like cats... and no one bad can like cats ^-^ or snakes... oh... ^^

    Hehe no no, your comments last chapter were entirely justified with Umbridge as far as I’m concerned (and you may think so too next chapter) and Sirius and Snape do need (and will both get) wake up calls soon too,  though keep in mind that Snape can be terribly stubborn (every time I try to get him to play nice he sticks his tongue out ^^).  It’s a shame about Sirius isn’t it, so far he’s all Harry’s got and yet he’s not the most stable.  But he will make up for it, not even he’s so dense as to think he can do that and get away with it ^^.  And Snape will make up for things too, don’t worry (I can only write all this cruel-to-Harry stuff because I know what fluff will come of it later ^^)

    Oh no, don’t apologise, character rambling needs no excuse ^^ I’m really glad you like this fic so far (and I really hope you still do after chapter 6... I’m so nervous about reactions... keep your Snape plushy close ^^).  And I know what you mean about reviews, I’ve read so many fics over the past few years and to get a response to them is always fantastic.  On the flipside of that I think it’s only fair to make a concerted effort to reply to the people who take the time to read and give their opinion on your work, especially when the reviews are as lovely and well thought out as yours – it’s always fun and useful to be able to have a dialogue (of sorts ^^) with readers who have strong opinions about characters and events ^^  (and you meet some wonderful people too ^^)

    Thanks so much for the encouragement ^^,  I’ve definitely found myself on a roll with this fic so I’ll try to stay on it ^^

    Thanks and have fun (and keep that plushy handy!) ^^

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