Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 8:42 pm
Reviewer: Ebily Megs (Signed) [Report This]
    Really enjoying it so far! Can't wait for your next update. I would never have guessed it was your first fic.

    Author's Response:

    Aw thank you, glad you like it ^-^ 

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 7:35 pm
Reviewer: Clovergirl22 (Signed) [Report This]
    This seems like its going to be an enjoyable read. very good first chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you ^-^ I'll try to keep it as enjoyable as I can... considering the content ^-^

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 6:34 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, this is your first fic? Really?

    I am very impressed. Very nice beginning. I can't wait for more.

    You really capture the toad's personality and Snape's too. You keep Harry in character as well. Poor dear What a bad day for him.

    It just seem to get worse for him, doesn't it? Poor boy.

    Please update soon. I'm so looking forward to more.

    Author's Response:

    Hehe thank you! ^-^ I have a very stupid smile on my face right now ^^

    And I'm glad they're in-character at the moment, hopefully that won't change - I'm trying hard not to let it but let me know if I do ^-^  and it only gets worse for Harry... I'm very mean and he has one hell of a week ahead of him.

    Thanks ^-^

    Have fun x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 5:17 pm
Reviewer: Wyrsa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Impressive and intriguing beginning. Something uncommon is plotting, would like to see what's coming next. Good luck with this curious story and thank you for sharing!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much ^-^ hope I can keep you interested and intrigued ^^

    have fun and thanks ^^ x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 4:02 pm
Reviewer: DoC Brown (Signed) [Report This]
    Very interesting. I hope it isn't descending into an endless angstfest. Insanity is what we need~

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^  I do love angst but not endlessly so I'll try to restrain myself ^^ and there should be plenty of insanity... ^-^

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 3:01 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    What a wonderful beginning, sproutchild! Umbridge is just sickening, as always, though here she does seem truly unbalanced perhaps, or just absolutely sadistic...or both. Grr, I can't stand that woman. Azkaban is too good for her.

    Poor Harry, he really is having a horrible day, isn't he? And Snape is perfectly Snape, too. I understand the need not to rush anything so as to make it all believable, and I enjoy reading the step-by-step evolution of their relationship...but for Harry's sake, I hope Snape will see that something is going on soon. The poor kid really does have such a heavy burden on him.

    I'm so honoured if I have been any inspiration for you...wow, that's something! And I'm very grateful. Thank you! I'm looking forward to the fluff, lol. You know that's right up my alley!

    Looking forward to the second chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Thank you so much ^-^

    I'm glad you thought so, I was going for both unbalanced and sadistic... and a bit bloodthirsty... I'll have to make sure she gets more than a cell in Azkaban - maybe I'll just let Snape loose on her ^^  And I'm glad the pace is okay for the moment, I just hope I dont end up going to slow.

    And of course! Wouldn't have touched Snape/Harry if I hadnt read yours, you just write them so gorgeously, hope I can do them justice like you ^-^  I'll try to get to as much fluff as possible asap ^^  Thanks so much for r+r-ing ^^

    have fun x

Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 9:32 am
Reviewer: trifecta (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Excellent start! I'm looking forward to your next update and reading what Umbridge is up to.

    Author's Response: Thanks! ^-^ And Umbridge's plans aren't the nicest but hopefully they'll make for a good read ^^
Title: Chapter 1 10 Sep 2009 8:23 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great start, but I think you should update daily ;p

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, and you do raise an excellent point, perhaps I should ^-^

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