Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 15 12 Jul 2010 6:41 am
Reviewer: myscus (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm really enjoying this fic and can't wait for Umbridge to get her just desserts. Please keep writing.

    Author's Response: I could never stop writing!  And thanks!  Umbridge will get hers, don’t you worry ^^x
Title: Chapter 15 11 Jul 2010 11:09 pm
Reviewer: SongoftheDarquePhoenix (Signed) [Report This]
    I love you. I love how evil your Umbitch is. I love your Snape, I love your Dumbles and I love your Ron. I love your fic.

    Author's Response: Aww Thank you so much!!! I do hope I can continue to inspire such emotions with my next chapters!  Luv u too ^^ x
Title: Chapter 15 11 Jul 2010 1:19 am
Reviewer: Evanescence (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Just wow.
    I found this story, have read it up to this point, and am ravenous for more. MORE! BRAINS! Oh wait, I'm not a zombie...
    So, anyway, I guess Harry and Sevvy-poo-poo (wouldn't it be fun to watch his expression when he heard someone call him that?) will be bonding more. I'm really looking forward to that.
    Err... I'm a roaring, golden kitty. Sadly, my house is sorta sucking right now...
    Anyway, awesome story!

    Author's Response: Thank you!!!  And I wouldn’t mind if you were a zombie, you’re a very sweet zombie ^^ Haha, and it would indeed... at a distance... ^^ - Harry and Sev will definitely bond more as he recovers, it should be interesting ^^And don’t give up hope, you roaring gold kitties might make a comeback yet ^^Thank you!!! x
Title: Chapter 15 10 Jul 2010 4:23 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    just spent the last 6 hours reading this WONDERFUL story! if there was a way to give a higher rating than 10, I'd give it a million!

    I REALLY would love for Dumble dor to Lock Sev and Umbitch in the Room of requirement, and let them "settle" things! GOd , I hate that Woman!

    And Poor Harry. I hope that he can be brought back from te shit that that evil, vile, thing did to him. And Bravo Sev for apointing himself Harry's protector. I wouldn't EVER want to be on the recieving end of that mans temper!

    So, what now with Sev not being Voldy's "go to Guy''? i know that Voldy can't be overly thrilled about finding out he's a spy. And I know that Dumbledor won't be very pleased with the news either.

    Well, udate soon! Can't wait for what's in store for Umbitch.

    ~Shannon; Proud member of Slytherin House

    Author's Response: Wow, Thank you so much!!! I hope my fic didn’t give you a headache!! *gives you cookies, and advil* ^^- u deserve a million points for reading so long!And you’re closer to Dumbles plans than you know, but we’ll get to that later (sev has some major fluff to indulge in with regards to harry first ^^)I know, wouldn’t Sev’s temper be horrible if it was directed at you?  I’d be shaking in my boots I would... if I was wearing them... hmm... I’d be shaking in my stripey socks I would!And you never know, voldy might be thrilled for harry, that he has someone to look after him... Ha.  Ha.  Ha.  Yeah, not likely.  Ah well.Sorry for taking so long, but hopefully you continue to like this fic ^^ take care x
Title: Chapter 15 10 Jul 2010 3:32 pm
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! You're back! All your transgressions are totally forgiven. You could have murdered my dog and I would still forgive you, for that chapter. I don't have a dog, but if I did, you're totally forgiven for killing it.

    My personal balaclava-clad paramilitary of fangirls are like ninjas... they were there, you just didn't know it. We took spy lessons from Severus... by *we* I mean my ninjas. *I* was too busy drooling over Tom Ward to take in any ultra-sneaky skills.

    I am now very very in lo... inspiration with Matthew Macfadyen, but when I look at him, I see Mr Darcy. Tom Ward... also very inspiring ^^ Very. I know in the books Sev is described as ugly, but I never can see him that way... just scowl-ly and mean looking.

    It's very peculiar, that Ioan Gruffudd and Tom Ward are both Welsh... Severus and a Welsh accent makes my head cringe. We may need to rethink that. Welsh!Severus would be brilliant... if he were a mute.

    *Nods enthusiastically* How can I say no to more me-inspired (modest, aren't I?) scenes? How can I say no to *any* extra, added scenes from you. ^^ 'Specially since it was like, a whole 2 months since you've update! *Shame on you!* Except, *Shame taken back* cos this was so so brilliant, it wipes away all misdeeds (even imaginary dog killings.)

    Asia's pretty. I was volunteering in the Philippines. It was like my practice, a month travelling to see if I would enjoy travelling. Asia's really pretty. It was awesome and amazing and awesome. Lots of beautiful colour and friendly people and wonderful... everything. (Except this thing called a Balot... if you fancy a unique way of torturing Umbridge, make her eat one. ^^) Apart from the lack of internet, I was in heaven (in fact, I lived in a place called Bliss, which was anything but ^^). I was volunteering so where I stayed was very, very poor. There were cockroaches in my room, farm animals everywhere and open sewers in the street (one of the other volunteers actually fell into one! Another handy, rather smelly way to torture Frog Lady) and it is still my most favourite place in the world. You should do it *Nods* (once you finish your fic, not before, or you will be stalked my fangirl-ninjas.) Except, no orphanages. Never do that. It's very (very, very, very) hard to leave after you get attached to twenty beautiful little terrors.

    Haha... Sevvy? Call him that to his face and you'll have front row seats to furious Sev. hehe. Ooh, maybe 'Sev' too. Not that I'm objecting, so far furious Sev has been a thing of beauty.

    Oooh I love grisly-bear Severus. Very attractive. More of that to come right? Right?

    Wooh! Severus is going to look after him! Good times. Well, probably not for them, but good times for me ^^. I promise I'll let you know if you ruin it, but you won't. Severus being protective of Harry is logical. Guilt from not protecting him like he promised, and guilt from not noticing all this time, and then finding Harry almost dead, and then fixing him (physically fixing, anyways)... he's bound to be a little bit protective. I like it. There's been so much angst, Harry definitely has been overdue for some comfort.

    Umbridge makes me angry. 'Asking for rights to him'?? That's disgusting... twisted and creepy and disgusting. Umbridge is so...grrr.

    I don't know why you thought I would be disappointed with the whole first-interaction with Umbitch. Very, very not. It was like so intense. I love it. Severus' anger was making me kinda creepily giddy. I'm glad he intends on making her pay. Nice and slow right? Please?

    Haha, I loved his 'accidental magic'. Made me happy. And the snark! That made me more happy. Ooh and Poppy... and Dumbledore wooshing out the windows... and Severus... and the way he was the first to notice Harry was awake. And the way he was all furious. And all the Professors finally protecting Harry, better late than never and all that ^^

    Harry's still broken! Fix him, please ^^

    I have lots more to write, but I broke my computer and have limited access to anything 'cept a iPhone. :(

    Write more soon please!

    Fabs x

    Author's Response: Hi!!! Haha, I’m betting that all my transgressions have been unforgiven again? *steps to the side to hide dead dog body behind me* aww thanks!! If I had a cat I would totally let you kill it in return for letting me kill your dog in return for writing last chapter!  We’re such good friends ^^And of course you were there... I knew that... you cant prove I didn’t... or is that another skill set your paramilitary of ninja-like fangirls learnt from Snape? – and Tom Ward drooling should be a sport, enough people take part already Im sure ^^ *gets distracted in looking at his pretty pretty eyes... ahem*Hahaha, I mean, yeah... I’m in... Inspiration... with Matthew too (who wouldn’t be?  He’s so coughsexycough... completely gorgeou-... inspirational...  he is Mr Darcy, and there’s nothing wrong with that (I often think Snape would be old fashioned (and in my head gallant) enough to be Mr Darcy too... just thinking about them one after another... *sigh*And Sev isn’t ugly... he’s chock full of character and uniqueness and personality!  (ahaha)Haha mute Welshman Sev... that would be something wouldn’t it?  I think his voice doesn’t really lend itself to a welsh accent... or really any accent except the posh English one he has (I mean, imagine him as an aussie? (“Mate!” = *shudder*) or American... no, he’s perfect as he is ^^... as are Tom Ward and Ioan Gruffudd and Matthew McFadyen... any of which or always welcome to visit... AT ANY TIME...As much as the last update after a HUUUUUGE wait may have wiped away any misdeeds including dog killings, I think this wait will have me blamed for all sorts of imaginary killings... koalas and elephants and Dobermans (oh my!) – I really have left it awhile... *points accusingly at uni... or in that general direction... I think* not my fault!!! ^^Asia sounds so gorgeous!  And inspirational!  We may as well just call it Tom Ward right now! ^^ I cant imagine visiting orphanages and not leaving with the twenty beautiful little terrors, they sound so sweet and noisy and how on earth did you resist?! Do you think you’ll get to go back?  Do you wish you could?And furious Sev is a fascinating Sev – he can be protective or raging or dangerous but always fun to watch (read?)... perhaps I’ll have someone call him that, can you imagine Trelawny calling him Sevvy? ^^ and definitely more grisly-bear Sev to come... grr ^^Hehe, Harry overdue for comfort?  So Ive been told (once or twice... you know, all these silly people who think Umbridge was mean and all ^^) – hopefully the comfort will make up for all the yucky stuff that Umbridge did though... but then twisted creepy and disgusting was kinda what I was going for ^^ (she’s a complete nutbag isn’t she? Im so happy with my Umbridge ^^... happy and revolted ^^)I’ll try and make her payback as nice and slow and painful and appropriately scary as I can... I’m kinda debating just how much readers are interested in the details of her... punishment... as opposed to continuing to read about Harry’s recovery... I’m sure I’ll find a balance eventually ^^I’m so glad you seemed to enjoy so much of the chapter – especially since most of those elements will be continued ^^ - and I’m feeling very flattered and giggly about so much praise so thank you!! *cookie for you* ^^Dont worry, I would never leave Harry broken... totally ruins the effect of the room, a broken Harry... and Sev is nothing if not a perfectionist ^^Oh, and the fic I first wrote for you, unfortunately I don’t think there are any cuddles in it... I’ll have to work it over a bit more ^^And I’ll always love your reviews and our review conversations, even via iphone, (oooh iphone ^^ - bet you even equipped your troop of ninja-like fangirls with them... just the thorough kinda person you are ^^)have fun and take care and I know its been awhile but please don’t hurt me... in the tree outside... is it a bird?  Is it a dog?  Is it the ghost of the postman (or woman, these things matter) – oh no, its the fangirls!!! Look at their designer balaclavas go!!!
Title: Chapter 15 08 Jul 2010 10:24 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm so happy you've updated again, and congratulations on your votes for Featured Story.

    Wow, Severus, Dumbledore, Minerva, and Poppy are all enraged with her and Umbridge isn't running for the hills yet? She really is stupid, isn't she?

    I loved how protective Severus is and how determined to keep Harry safe. Thank goodness that he finally is both willing and able to care for Harry as he should.

    And I also loved that Dumbledore, Poppy, and Minerva have finally realized what's going on and are there for Harry, too. The part where Dumbledore blew out the windows was especially good. Now we just a fitting punishment (if there is anything bad enough) for Toad Lady.

    And ok, we must boost Gryffindor's total, so give my points to the Lions.

    Looking forward to more!

    Author's Response: Thanks!!!  I know, those votes were awesome to see, made my week... or year ^^ (and made me giggle a lot ^^)Umbridge is pretty dumb but I’d say maiming the saviour of the wizarding world is a bit on the stupid side so its not really a surprise.I’m glad I was able to finally get to the more caring, fluffy parts of this fic with people still reading ^^ and hopefully what I have planned for Umbridge will be... umm... satisfying...Aww, how magnanimous of you!  Your points to the gryffs this once ^^Thanks and I hope I can keep you interested in this fic! ^^
Title: Chapter 15 07 Jul 2010 5:54 pm
Reviewer: heartshapedstickynotes (Signed) [Report This]
    One of my very favourite stories.
    Please, update as soon as you can.
    p.s. Gryffindor today, I feel sorry for them...

    Author's Response: Thank you!  And sorry for taking so long :(Aww, very sweet of you, your points shall go to Gryffindor ^^
Title: Chapter 15 07 Jul 2010 5:08 pm
Reviewer: frodolove12 (Signed) [Report This]
    I've read this story before and thought I'd review now, because it is so amazing! I absolutely love it. Typical of Harry not to seek help when he needs it, but I'm so glad he's gotten help. Wonderful characterization, and you make me really HATE Umbridge. I'm happy that Snape, McGonagall, Madam Pomfrey and Dumbledore are all standing up to her and she won't be able to get away with torture anymore. And one of my favorite things about this story is how caring Ron and Hermione are. I love how much they want to help Harry. So sweet :) So yes this story is brilliant and you must update soon :D

    Author's Response: Thank you so much!  Harry is a bit daft isn’t he?  But then after so many years if the dursleys I don’t think I’d want to draw any kind of attention to myself either,  and it’s definitely good that you hate this Umbridge... she’s not all that likeable ^^ Thank you!  Hope this fic stays interesting and fluffy for you ^^
Title: Chapter 15 06 Jul 2010 11:10 pm
Reviewer: BlondeSlytherin (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story. I haven't seen this idea before and I'm really interested in reading more. One part I really liked was Malfoy's little scene. I was wondering about how many more chapters do you think are left? It's a great story and I want to know how much I have left to enjoy. My username probably lets you know what house for me, Slytherin. Poor Gryffindors, nobody wants to be a Gryffindor apparently.

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Hmm, as to how many chapters are left, I truly have no idea – it’s certainly not right about to end but I’d say at this point we’re maybe halfway?  Once I know I’ll update people ^^  And I think its a matter of what site we’re on – Potions and Snitches?  There cant be many who want to be in the ‘opposing’ house of Slytherin around here... never know though ^^Thanks!
Title: Chapter 15 06 Jul 2010 8:00 pm
Reviewer: GraveDigger_Resurrection (Signed) [Report This]
    "And just like that she was flying across the room to land with an almighty bang against the far wall of the infirmary. Albus’ voice was resigned when he sighed, “Severus, I happen to know for a fact that your accidental magic has been well under your control since you were fifteen.”

    “I hardly know what to say Headmaster.” "

    Lololololololol I died out laughing at this, I absolutely did. I can just *see* it, and it is *beautiful*.

    The pain and angst in the fic is palpable and incredible. It makes my stomach hurt in the best way possible. Dumbledore, Snape, McGonagall, and Poppy are my four faves to tend to a hurt Harry, and I just...oh hell, I adore this. As things move on, I just hope you have McGonagall continue to play a real role in this, and in interacting with Harry. I don't have a good reason, it's just that I'm selfish, and I love her. "He has, to use a common phrase, done a bunk." She's just win.

    I love your characterizations. Poppy's hurt, Minerva's rage, Albus' fury, oh and *Snape*. Snape is just too delightful for words. This story just *bleeds* while I'm reading it, and I adore it. One of my favorite fics eeeever.

    Moar plz? :D

    Author's Response: Hehe Thanks!  I’m so glad that worked and was as funny as I wanted it to be – I mean really, who’s going to mind a little accidental magic where Umbridge is concerned?  I’ve had a few people say this fic makes their stomach hurt... maybe I should be worried about what kind of monster I’ve created?  *gives you advil* - feel better ^^ - and McGonagall’s awesome... I’ll try not to forget about her but at this point my heads ready to explode – there’s so many characters to remember to keep in this fic! (*looks around for Sirius only to find I’ve left him a few chapters back*) – Thank you so very VERY much, this is one of the most awesomest reviews I’ve gotten – “This story just *bleeds* while I'm reading it, and I adore it.” – this is just such a huge compliment, thank you ^^(and sorry bout the wait!!)x

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