Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 15 06 Jul 2010 3:47 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you for updating I thought the story was in "The Well of Lost Plots" so glad it isn't and you are in the groove again. Loved the confrontation with Umbridge shame Minerva didn't get in the act.

    Author's Response: Oh no, I could never abandon this to the well... ahh, that wonderful horrible place where good fics go to remain unfinished *sob* - and Minnie’s just as mad as sev at umbridge, just you wait *rubs hands together and laughs sinisterly mwahahaha...ahem* anyway... thanks!!!
Title: Chapter 15 06 Jul 2010 3:10 pm
Reviewer: Sleeping Soundly (Signed) [Report This]
    Another fantabulous chapter!! This was brilliant - I loved seeing everyone's reactions to Harry's condition, and their reflexive protection for him, especially in the presence of Umbridge - and that was a nice bonus! Didn't think we'd be seeing any of her for a little while ... although I should have known that she could never keep her nose out of any business concerning Harry ... :]
    I especially liked Severus in this chapter - even though I said I prefer it when he's still conflicted regarding his feelings for Harry, in this story it is absolutely right that he's not. The urgency of Harry's situation and the continued danger means that anything other that complete protectiveness would be a waste of time. And anyway ... there's still plenty of time for Severus to come to terms with his feelings regarding Harry without all this urgency ... I hope?
    Thanks for this update - was very excited when I got the alert! :D

    Author's Response: Thank you!!! And what a perfect way to say it!  Their protective reactions were rather reflexive weren’t they? ^^ and no, Umbridge has absolutely no idea what’s good for her so rest assured she’ll stick her nose into something painful rather soon ^^ and yes, Sev will come to terms with his feelings about Harry at a better time than when he’s dying... and unconscious ^^ we’ll get there!  Hope the wait hasn’t been too long! *hides*
Title: Chapter 15 05 Jul 2010 5:18 pm
Reviewer: Devil'sAdvocate (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm a Gryffindor... And we're losing to the Puffies...
    This chapter is awesome. I hope to see more Snape and Harry next chapter. Maybe Harry could be taken out of classes for a short while?

    Author's Response: Aww, well don’t give up hope too soon, you never know, the Gryffs might make a come back ^^Thank you!!! (and I doubt Harry will be going straight back to classes just yet ^^... I’ve been too mean to him for that ^^)
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 9:31 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Come on Slytherins!
    Great job, Author, but could you please let us descend on Umbridge enmass?

    Author's Response: Hehe, Slytherin may well win too!  Thank you very much for the kudos, in return I will happily step aside and let you mob her ^^
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 8:50 pm
Reviewer: Periwinkle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm a Lion. And jeez are we underepresented. Ooo... Cliffy... Exciting! I'm hoping for some Sev/Harry bonding? Please? Anyway, great chappie, the writing is vibrant and enchanting. Thanks, and update soon! :)

    Author's Response: Hi!  And don’t worry, its not too late for Gryffindor... maybe ^^... And sev/harry bonding coming up!  How could I not?  Thanks so much, I hope I can continue to enchant you ^^ take care x
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 7:33 pm
Reviewer: LJD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Welcome back! I had forgotten about this fantastic story until I saw that you updated it- so I went back and re-read it :) this chapter was wonderfully written, with the characters portrayed to a tee- especially Umbridge.. what an awful woman!
    Please update soon !
    Go go Gryffindor :)

    Author's Response: Thanks!  Sorry I took so long in returning!  Thank you so much and I hope you continue to like it (and that Gryffindor does a little better soon ^^), take care x
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 4:12 pm
Reviewer: faradheia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Unsorted -

    I've loved this story from the beginning and you're doing a wonderful job with it. The whole thing makes me hurt - which is the point so YAY!!!

    Keep up the good work!!

    Author's Response: Wow, thank you so much!!  I do hope I can heal the hurt with the better, nicer part of this fic; I’d hate to leave you bleeding.  Thank you and hope you continue to enjoy! x
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 2:06 pm
Reviewer: mmhmm (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I am very pleased to read this chapter. I love the characterization of the professors and Umbridge's reaction. I was feeling a bit lost when I noticed you had not updated in so long, but my faith is restored. Continue with your wonderful writing, as I have no real suggestions.

    (points to Slytherin)

    Author's Response: Thank you!!  And I wont abandon this fic but I have been taking a long time and I’m very sorry *hands you cookie and new chapter...* Thanks so much! ^^ go Slyths! ^^
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 6:48 am
Reviewer: Cicci Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Goodness, I'd completely forgotten about this story.
    And then you updated JUST as I needed some good heart-wrenching angst.

    A very good chapter, all and all. I reread the entire story and realized how well you built up the plot. A usual problem with these sorts of stories is that they are too fast-paced. The author simply wants to get to the revelation part as quickly as possible. While that works in some cases (The Guiltless comes to mind), it requires writing skills au extrodinarie!

    Now you have managed to write a good, balanced, developed plot and combined it with excellent writing skills. It's emotional, graphic, makes you weep and scream and basically everything one could want out of a angsty story.

    I'm still wondering at Dumbledore's actions, if he knew and what he knew. The change seemed rather sudden in this chapter, but I'm guessing the explanation will come in a later chapter?

    I'm also looking forward to a more in depth look at Umbridge's motives. Is she just crazy or is there some logic in her actions?

    Pleaes write more, SOON, I can't wait.


    Author's Response: I know, I always leave it faaaar too long :’( very sorry about that (sorry and scared about how the ninjas will react... you never know...)Very glad that my timing was so good last time though, I hope I can do that again ^^Oh I know, isn’t The Guiltless just fantastic?!! That was one of the first truly excellent Harry-whump fics I read and it’s just sp brilliant... not to mention the pacing is perfect, like really perfect... haha compared to that I’m taking my sweet time to get to everything aren’t I? ^^ Wow, thank you so much for such lovely words!!  Some expkanation will come in the next chapter about Dumble’s actions but he’ll wait to talk Harry through it a bit more (you know, when he’s conscious ^^) and there is a little logic to Umbridge but for the most case there’s just too many layers to her madness for her to know much of anything... as her total recklessness in front of Dumbledore kind of proves ^^Thanks so much and sorry for the wait!
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 5:32 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Woo hoo to new chapters!! its weird cause I was looking through my favourited stories the other day trying to decide what to vote on and thought it had been simply aaaaaages since this had been updated! I still voted for it anyways thinking it would be more incentive for you to continue one of my fave stories...more so than my plan B which did involve balaclavas! hope to see loads more update if you have time! :D

    Author's Response: Yay!  Hehe, sorry they always take so long though!  I will try to amend my update schedule but its really a matter of writing in my spare seconds and when the inspiration leaves me no choice (usually around due dates annoyingly enough ^^) – and of course plan B involved balaclavas!  All the best plans do!  (hehe, not meant in a kinky way but whatever ^^)Thanks so much!

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