Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 4:06 am
Reviewer: writeurlife (Signed) [Report This]
    Yay! You finally updated!! This is such a sketchy fanfic--my stomach twists up every time I read the things that Umbitch put poor Harry through. It's really well written, though.

    This chapter started off and I thought maybe you'd lost your mojo--you used the word "before" four times in as many sentances (paragraphs 4/5). (sorry if that's tactless, it's 4 am. In truth, I'm only saying that in case you feel like going through and editing at a later date.)

    After those paragraphs, however, the story--and the writing--definitely picked up, so by the end of the chapter I was completely enthralled. You're a really great writer, and this story is really good. Keep it up!!!

    Author's Response: Yay, I did! Thank you, thats really sweet, although I’m sorry about your tummy *gives you cookies* feel better ^^ - and thank you so so sooooo much for pointing out the ‘before’ thing, I think I went through it again and still didn’t manage to get them all and *sigh* it’s getting to that time of year... or semester ^^, uni=brain mush unfortunately :( but thank you!I hope the next chapters are equally as enthralling! ^^x
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 2:16 am
Reviewer: HeartStar (Signed) [Report This]
    OH no! You said you are on break so I look forward to more chapters soon ! Happy Fourth of July BTW!

    Author's Response: Happy fourth to you too, though I’m a bit late :( - sorry it’s been so long but I’ll do my best in future (ive been going the whole quality over quantity thing so hopefully thats preferred) – thanks and I hope you continue to enjoy! ^^
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 2:16 am
Reviewer: HeartStar (Signed) [Report This]
    OH no! You said you are on break so I look forward to more chapters soon ! Happy Fourth of July BTW!

    Author's Response: Happy fourth to you too, though I’m a bit late :( - sorry it’s been so long but I’ll do my best in future (ive been going the whole quality over quantity thing so hopefully thats preferred) – thanks and I hope you continue to enjoy! ^^
Title: Chapter 15 04 Jul 2010 1:10 am
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    Maybe Severus could try out some experimental potions on Umbitch

    Author's Response: I’m sure a lot of people would like to see that actually, especially if they had horrible, painful side effects ^^ - thanks!
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 11:59 pm
Reviewer: B00kw0rm92 (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, ACK!!!!!!!! Poor, poor, poor, poor, poor Harry!!!! Can they kill Umbridge "accidently". Please?

    (I'm Ravenclaw)

    Author's Response: Hello fellow ravenclaw!  Harry is definitely not having a happy time but things will get better for him and so much worse for umbridge ^^ - *gives you first go at her* ^^
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 6:51 pm
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I do hope that SOMEONE will rip off the Pink Horror's face! What she did to Harry (and some other students) was unconscionable and nearly caused his death. What would she have done if the child had actually died? I really love how she thinks that Poppy, a well-trained Mediwitch, could be easily tricked into thinking that Harry was sick. What a moron Umbitch is!

    Author's Response: Oh, a few someones will get a go at her, don’t worry ^^ And I think she’s mad enough that she wouldn’t have noticed if Harry had died... she’s a bit of a nutcase (sorry, did I say a bit?) thanks!
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 6:44 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    I love this story! I love Albus' silent rage, Severus as both savior and protector of this poor child.

    I can't wait for some interaction between Severus and Harry!!! I can't wait to see the big toad-face punished as she deserved.

    and thinking I almost missed the chapter!

    Author's Response: Thank you!!! I would have loved Dumbles to get loudly outraged but I supposed Sev had dibs on that and someone had to be a bit more... um... restrained... for now...Thanks, and sorry about the wait!!
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 4:36 pm
Reviewer: Stefunny2010 (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the professors' reactions, I thought that McGonagall and Dumbledores' both were very realistic. I also thought that Umbridge coming in and demanding to know about Harrys' absence from classes was great for the drama! I cant wait for the next update, which we will hopefully see how Harry is coping mentally:)

    Author's Response: Thank you!  And Harry’s not doing so well unfortunately, but he has his Sev to help with that ^^ - more drama coming up!
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 2:47 pm
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    YAY! You finally updated! I've missed this story so much, and I want more! Like lots and lots more!

    *Throws heavy objects at Umbridge* Does your Sev need to borrow some of my Sev's powers? Because he totally can if it means an end to Umbridge. I'm glad he was able to show restraint, but damn if I didn't want him to fire off some hexes the moment Umbridge stepped into the room. I know, I know, safety for the kids in the Hospital Wing, but wards could be put up.

    On that note, I totally want a duel between Severus and that toad! Of course Severus would win, but hopefully he would toy with and instill fear into her first. Please?

    I'm hoping next chapter we have Severus and Harry together while both are conscious and aware? I can't wait to see how Harry is going to react. Not to mention I'm concerned about that blank stare of Harry's. I'm curious to see what kind of effect all of this has had on his mental state and if Umbridge has some kind of magical mental spell on him. Harry getting up out of bed when he shouldn't have to energy to even sit up the moment she started looking towards him makes me lean towards her having something on him.

    A few little things to work on. I got a little confused at times as to where each person was. I totally thought Sev and Minerva had followed Albus and Poppy into her office. I know it's hard to juggle so many people in a scene, so just watch out for that.

    I'm glad you've been loving AIE. I've been missing your reviews. I really don't care if they're long-winded rants. Yours are always so amusing to me because it's whatever you're thinking without any filters. I hope to have a new chapter up by Thursday when I leave for London, but we'll have to see if I can squeeze it in between all the other stuff I need to get done before then.

    Great job, sproutchild, and again I want MORE! ;)

    Author's Response: Hi!!! And thanks!!! I know its been soooo long though, uni’s great but time consuming so writing’s had to take such a backseat *sigh* - hows things with you now??*joins you in throwing things at Umbridge* hehe I think my Sev’s mad enough not to need extra powers but he’s grateful for the offer from your Sev, maybe they’ll be friends ^^ and Sev will definitely not let this one go, he’s not nearly finished with Umbitch yet ^^ - it is hard to decide how far to take things though isn’t it?  I know what will happen to umbridge but I don’t know how much fic-time to put into it... what do you think, any ideas?And I’m afraid Harry will be out that little bit longer but it wont be long before he’s back (cant rush these things... hahaha, says the one who took 15 chapters to get to this point ^^)  and I think the worse things sometimes, you said you think she has something on Harry (I take it you mean besides words ^^) and she does have something in him...And thank you for the critique too!  *hands you cookie for the help* I tried to go over that bit and make it more easily read but I’m not sure I succeeded – its that whole ‘extra words in my own head’ thing, I always know exactly whats happening but having it all written well is something else entirely huh ^^Hehe, and I’m afraid when I speak its much the same as when I review – no filters (fortunately I’m also an idiot so it makes people laugh more than anything else ^^) – I’ve been trying to remember to leave reviews as often as possible, whenever I don’t its usually because I read them when I need a pick-me-up which is usually in the middle of my classes so I have to type quietly or not at all and I don’t want to leave a crappy little review so I decide to leave a long one at a later time and by then youve updated again and I really do just write what I think don’t I?  I don’t know how I’ve avoided so many run-on sentences in my fic ^^ but I always love your fic, that goes without being said ^^Hope London was AWESOMENESS!!! And Thanks!!!!! Talk soon!!x
Title: Chapter 15 03 Jul 2010 1:30 pm
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Hey there, great chapter! Sets thousands of curses on the "witch." Kidnaps you, dear Sproutchild....Mehaha!! Autumn (Slytherin)

    Author's Response: Thank you!!! Hehe, and perhaps you could team up with Wrinkled Fabric if you’re planning a kidnap (she’s developing her own balaclavas for the occasion ^^) - *waits patiently like a good kidnappee should ^^ - cookies? *hands u some* thanks!

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