Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Antonomasia
Title: Chapter 14 26 May 2010 8:39 am
Reviewer: FF (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Please update this soon! I had forgotten how good it is :) Please let Harry wake up and have Snape be there. Love this story!

    Author's Response:

    Aww thanks!!!  Sorry for the wait!!

Title: Chapter 14 21 May 2010 7:04 pm
Reviewer: Chandramas (Signed) [Report This]
    hello there... just a little, gentle nag to remember you that chapter 15 would be very welcome! :p

    Seriously I love this story, I can't wait for more. I can't wait for what happen next (and I'm saving popcorns for when Severus confronts the nasty toad-woman)

    Author's Response:

    Aww, sorry it’s been so long but your gentle nag was wonderfully motivating so thank you!!! (*adds more points to your (UNSPECIFIED!!! Oh the horror!!!) house and a cookie*)

    Ooh, and crack out the popcorn in that case (should be fun to watch huh ^^)  hope you like ^^

Title: Chapter 14 10 May 2010 10:16 pm
Reviewer: legolasanimeluver (Anonymous) [Report This]
    PLEEASE UPDATE! +I have to know what happens next!

    Author's Response: Sorry it took so long but enjoy!!!
Title: Chapter 14 08 May 2010 10:01 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I'm so glad you didn't abandon the story! I really love this one, and I don't know how I missed your update. But it was such a happy surprise when I saw it.

    My heart just breaks for Harry and for all that he has suffered. I only hope that you have something really spectacular planned for Umbridge. Surely it doesn't bode well for her with both Severus and Poppy against her...if Severus chooses to let Poppy know who's responsible. I'm sure Severus is fully capable of extracting justice/punishment by himself, but Poppy might enjoy being in on the fun too...she's rather formidable herself. And possibly Dumbledore too. Forgive me, I need to go re-read, but I can't remember what your Dumbledore is like or if he's been mentioned much. But he's a pretty scary person to have as an enemy too.

    Loved how protective Severus is, and how he held Harry and cared for him so gently. I hope this is the start of a new and better relationship for them. They both need one another badly.

    I'm happy that you're having a great time at school, and hope that you'll be able to udate again soon!

    Author's Response:

    Oh I would never!!!  I may take a VERY long time to update but I’m not in the habit of abandonment... is it a habit?  Hmm... anyway...

    Thank you!!!

    Mm, I have rather ruined life for Harry at the moment, but I’ll make it up to him (do you think he’d like his own Sev?)  and Umbridge’s revenge shall be rather fun to write (and I hope to read ^^)  it wont even be just the two of them against her either... she’s made some rather powerful (vindictive... inventive...) enemies ^^  no, Dumbles hasn’t been so prominent (but then in Harry’s life he wasn’t at that time which I think was rather stupid on his part... more of his ‘best interests’ stuff I ‘spose...) but absent he may have been, formidably protective is completely certain – Umbridge wont be finding an ally there thats for sure ^^

    Oh I know, don’t they just?!  I love P&S for that very reason – see we’re all the smart ones; we realise just how much they need each other... why could JK? *pouts* ahh well, ‘spose we’ll just have to write it for her *sighs long-sufferingly*

    Sorry for the wait but hope the update makes up for it (cant believe how long I took this time round... I am SO getting kidnapped this time *sighs again* ^^)  - thanks!!! (Oh, and I am so gorgeously, completely, utterly in love with SC – *gives you the most serious look you’ve ever seen... which is VERY serious* I might have to marry it.  Uhuh.  I am just that in love with it.  Hope to read more soon...for my sanity and all... ^^

Title: Chapter 14 07 May 2010 4:57 am
Reviewer: HeartStar (Signed) [Report This]
    I can't believe I missed this last update were are now in may! I would have loved to read it soon than i did I lovw this story and I look forward to your next chapter!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much!  Hope I haven’t kept you waiting too long (... who am I kidding, of course I did *gives you cookie* sorry TT)
Title: Chapter 14 28 Apr 2010 2:49 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh I loved this at last a little love and comfort for Harry! Thanks for updating

    Author's Response: Thanks!!  More love and comfort on the way too ^^
Title: Chapter 14 27 Apr 2010 9:31 am
Reviewer: Ty (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Yay!!! I'm so happy ;-) I thought you'd given up on this which would have been a real shame :( but you didn't so now I am super happy!! Thanks for another awesome chapter I feel so bad for poor harry :( hopefully you'll make Snape kick Umbridge's ass for him!! Please, please keep up the awesome work!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!   I’d never give up on Harry!  (‘specially not right now, think it would do him in for good TT)  - and Sev will have his revenge, and not only through words (keep that in mind next chapter k?)  Thanks so much!!

Title: Chapter 14 23 Apr 2010 7:58 am
Reviewer: xam (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Good to see you back. I'm glad uni is turning out to be so fun. As for the updates, all is forgiven...if you promise never to do that again!

    Author's Response: Thank you!  umm.... can all be forgiven again?  *bribes you with new chapter... and cookies... and umm... muffins and... sugar...*
Title: Chapter 14 22 Apr 2010 5:39 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow wonderful story. I read it straight through I love it.

    Author's Response: Thank you!!!
Title: Chapter 14 21 Apr 2010 9:08 pm
Reviewer: EllaEleniel (Signed) [Report This]
    *Squeals* Okay, I read this like right after you posted it, but it was like 4 am here, and I wanted to give you a proper review, not a little short one from my iPhone.

    Hmm, where to start? How about I'm so glad you finally updated. Yeah, I know, I'm one to talk... I've just been dying for reading material lately and can't seem to find anything good. I'm happy to hear you're enjoying uni. I can't wait until my semester is over! One and a half weeks left of classes, and then finals! I just totally need a break. Plus, my best friend is graduating from nursing school, so I'll be flying up to see her for a week, and I can't wait.

    So finally to the story. I loved, loved the first scene. The sensory details are really good, and I felt sucked into Harry's subconscious... how he was feeling, the warmth of being carried, etc. Loved it! It reminded me of the warm, calm feeling you have when you're drifting in between sleep and awareness in the morning that you want to stay in and return to every morning, if only it wasn't for that stupid alarm clock. ;)

    I loved Severus in this chapter. His transformation to being so protective of Harry is great. I wanted to scream out Finally! lol. I've been waiting for the comfort part of the story to start, as I'm sure you know and now I can't wait to see the rest of it, especially when Harry wakes and realizes that gentle, safe feeling came from Severus holding him!

    But, poor Sev and Poppy for having to discover the treat Harry. His injuries and physical state sound horrible. I can't even imagine how his mental state will be when Harry wakes up and faces what has happened. I'm looking forward to the angst of a mentally tortured Harry, and Severus helping him recover. I know you won't wave a wand and make it all better like well magic. It'll take a lot of time for Harry to recover mentally and physically, and I'm sure it won't be without its hiccups. *Hugs Harry gently*

    I also can't wait for Severus to confront Umbridge and face his wrath. She totally deserves it, and I hope Severus really gives it to her.

    Hmm favorite moment... Slytherin looks like it needs the points. Do I get an extra points boost since you stole my question... just kidding ;) I'd have to say it's at the very end of this chapter. Yeah, I know Harry's unconscious, but the fact that Severus carried Harry to the Hospital Wing instead of the spell shows just how much has changed between them since the beginning of the story. It's such a subtle gesture that speaks so much and makes me smile.

    As for AIE, writing isn't going so well at the moment. I have a gazillion ideas, it's the getting them down part that's giving me trouble, not to mention the lack of sleep, lack of days off, etc. I hope to get a new chapter up soon.

    Awesome chapter, and I hope you'll find the time as well to update again soon. This story is one of my favs and I hope everyday to see it pop up in the recent box. :)

    Author's Response:

    Hi!  Omg, first I have to say I’m loving AIE despite my shameful lack of reviews lately (I copy and read it when I can and when I’m finished a chapter I’m not on the internet... which is probably for the best really since I’m sure I’d be leaving you ridiculously long reviews about how much I’m in love with your Sev and Harry and how I just wanna pull them out of your fic (so very very carefully) and hide them under my bed (which would have to be sterilised for Harry’s sake) and pull them out for cuddles whenever I want cos theyre so gorgeous!!!  You’re just awesome ^^

    Oh, and you so don’t compare with how crappy an updater of fanfics I am, at least you get to it every month *shakes head in shame* uni is really not an excuse, Harry is far more important... sometimes *sighs* I just get my priorities wrong *shakes head* I know, I know, I’m ashamed of myself too.  But I’m on holidays right now so writing, here I come! (wow, that was quick) – anyway, back to reality, hope you’ve found something good to read?  And how awesome for your friend!  Hope visiting her was fun ^^

    Yay!  That was exactly what I had in mind when I was writing that bit – that wonderful feeling that you treasure on days off when you’re still half asleep in the mornings and you know you can just roll over and sink back into it if you like... *sighs* heaven ^^.  So glad you liked it ^^

    *sighs in relief*  I was really worried I was going too fast with Sev’s caring, affectionate side coming out – felt a bit like it was a case of ‘mean Sev, cruel Sev, sneering Sev, oh look, he’s cuddling him’ – given that you ‘wanted to scream out Finally!’ I’m guessing you don’t think I moved too fast with that one then?  ^^  and eventually I’m sure Harry will realise that... but you know me, I’m an absolute bit- nasty person ^^ - Harry’s going to take a little while to find his feet, mentally, you know?  (wow, the way I wrote that I’d be surprised if you do know what I mean... that sounded really  dumb ^^ hehe mental feet.  Yeah, I’m getting tired ^^)

    Hahaha.  No, that’s one thing you cant say about this fic; nothing will be fast or easy, including the recovery ^^ - but it has a hell of a lot more comfort to it so hopefully it wont be too horrible to read...? *hands over Harry for you to hug as the urge rises* ^^

    And the Severus/Umbridge confrontation will happen in stages, the first of which was fun to write so will hopefully be enough for now ^^

    Hehe, of course!!! *adds three points to your already HUGE personal amount* - don’t you just love awarding odd numbers and watching the interesting way it affects the tally?  Or am I really odd (well, more odd ^^).  Yay!  I’m starting to like particular moment more and more too ^^  Good pick ^^ (*adds ****load of points to your amount* - you know it’s a tight competition right now too, it wont take much to tip the scales.... ooh, so much fun to watch... ooh I need a hobby... oh right, fanfiction... *rolls eyes* ^^ told you I was tired)

     Well I think AIE fans will be happy to wait for as long as it takes (despite holding our breath the entire time) so I wouldn’t worry too much if I was you... anything you write at anytime tends to be wonderfully, crazily, awesome.

    Oh, pop! (I’m providing sound effects for the update thingy to appear in your inbox... not weird at all right?) – pop pop!  Ping!  Moo! (moo?)

    Have fun (I’m gonna stop while I’m ahead... which I totally am ^^


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