Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: McGonagall's Photo 04 Dec 2009 11:31 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved this one! So sweet! Great job!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reviewing!
Title: McGonagall's Photo 01 Dec 2009 12:29 am
Reviewer: Ramelia (Signed) [Report This]
    Argh! It's not fair that people should write side stories to their fics and get me curious about the longer versions! ;)

    I was very intrigued by the thought of Bellatrix acting as a mother, because that's definitely something I've a hard time reconciling with her image as a psychopathic Death Eater, Voldemort's right hand, a person who enjoys causing others pain. Curious, so very curious. :)

    Snape was adorable with Harry. I just don't know why would he hide from Harry the boy's true identity if Lily and James were dead. Though, I guess, I'll have to read the other story to get my answers, won't I? :)

    Author's Response:

    Sorry, this story just popped out of my head. You don't have to read the long version.


    Bellatrix is a person and I believe that depending on the choices a person makes, anything can happen. Of course, she is sort of crazy.


    Snape wants to be Harry's dad. He feels that if Harry knows about James, he'll be compeating against him and Severus already lost an awful lot to James. He doesn't want to loose Harry too.

    Thanks for reviewing!


Title: McGonagall's Photo 30 Nov 2009 2:40 pm
Reviewer: angelauthor14 (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww that was so cute! I don't think I've ever read a fic where Bellatrix was on the light side, you pulled it off very well. The little family moments were adorable!

    Great fest entry!

    Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. Bellatrix is an interesting character, I really enjoy writing her. Thank you for your review!
Title: McGonagall's Photo 29 Nov 2009 10:27 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, that was so sweet. So Harry knows that he is Harry Potter in your story? I'm trying to remember, or is that only for the purposes of this story?

    Great job, nevertheless. I love how you had Harry find all about his parents. Very sweet. I'm glad that he knows who he is now.

    Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it. :) In my story, Harry knows that he is Harry Potter. It just isn't a big factor in his life because he's always been in disguise and not given the attention that beign the 'Boy Who Lived' would have given him.  Thanks for reviewing!
Title: McGonagall's Photo 29 Nov 2009 9:01 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a great story. I loved how concerned Sev was over Harry and how he insisted upon taking care of Harry himself. It's great to have a doctor in the family, I know that if I was ever in the hospital, I would want my sister taking care of me rather than a stranger.

    However, i think Minerva should have discussed things with Sev and Bella before giving Harry the picture. She meant well, but she overstepped her bounds. Severus and Bellatrix were Harry's parents now, they should have been informed of what she planned to do and agreed to it. It shouldn't have been something that was snuck to Harry.

    A lot of times, adoptive parents have their own reasons for not informing a child right away that they are adopted, sometimes it causes more harm than good and makes a child feel insecure or rebellious against the adoptive parents, who have taken care of them their whole lives. I know because that's what happened to a friend of mine who adopted a baby girl. She told her daughter she was adopted when she was 15 years old and the girl became a horrible b **** because of it, ran away, started disobeying her mother, saying she didn;t have to listen to her because she wasn't her "real" mother. It was awful and the worst thing was that the girl never found her "birth" mother and still is estranged from her adopted mother, who raised her and loved her as her own.

    So I have mixed feelings about revealing the "truth" to children who have been adopted. To me, a person's parent is the one who raises and loves the child--blood or not. And if they do that, then that child is THEIRS.

    Like I said Minerva should have discussed the photograph with Severus and Bella before telling Harry. She could have caused horrible anguish for Severus and for Bella as well if Harry had reacted differently to that news. And that would have been totally unfair. Severus would have eventually told him, but it should have been on his terms.

    Still, it was a great story!

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you liked it. I known that I've always prefered to have someone I know adminster treatment.

    McGonagall should have talked to Severus and Bellatrix first. But if she had then the story wouldn't be what it was. I have a friend who was adopted and went through something similar to your friend.

    In this story, Harry is the child of Bellatrix and Severus. His biological parents died so long ago that he doesn't remember them. He might not be born to them, but he's been raised and cared for by them for ages.

    Thank you very much for your wonderful review!

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