Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Away in a Manger
Title: Mr. Grinch 07 Nov 2015 10:45 am
Reviewer: Ragnhild (Anonymous) [Report This]
    The name Valeska is a diminutive of Valeria, the feminine form of Valerius, which comes from the Latin "valere", meaning "to be strong".
Title: What Child Is This? 06 Nov 2015 6:58 pm
Reviewer: asiya halima kone (Anonymous) [Report This]
    good first chapter I cant wait until I read further in this story and find out what happens :)
Title: Joy to the World 28 May 2015 5:34 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    Totally wonderful from start to finish.
Title: Joy to the World 18 Dec 2013 9:47 am
Reviewer: LtsHrIt4ThBoyz (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful! Definitely one of the best (top 3, easy!) Boy-Who-Lived-Gets-A-Family, stories I've ever read!
    Well done! I love the AU: Your take is almost everything I would have loved to have seen happen in HP - sorry, but I used to wonder if JKR even LIKED her own characters. Anyway, loved yours and THANKS for a lovely read!
Title: Mr. Grinch 24 Apr 2013 3:14 am
Reviewer: Furrina (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This was one of fav. chapters so far. To think that the baby that once blew a raspberry at him, was the one finally got through to him.
Title: Joy to the World 21 Dec 2012 3:11 am
Reviewer: Afa (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Finally finished the story which was enjoyable, although a few things did niggle me at times, such as "Sorcerers's Stone" and a few Americanism's. Fanny in the UK is a rude word for a woman's parts, so bottom would have been better. Pick up the room is said as "tidy up" instead. I am glad that you didn't call nappies diapers.

    Is there a sequel? And my cousin was born 3 months premature aswell, so I know too.
Title: Joy to the World 19 Nov 2012 5:57 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    oh that was so good I cried so many damn times but it was so good
Title: God Rest Ye Merry Gentleman 19 Nov 2012 4:15 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    You and your (Harry's)Poem made me cry my eyes out and I hate you for it :P
    It was so damn good though...Well written.
    Sirius can go to hell!!! MUAHAHAHAHA
Title: Breath of Heaven 19 Nov 2012 3:12 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    damn i was not expecting that aw man Im crying waterfalls...Im going to get (excuse my language)a bloody headache from crying to much
Title: Holly and Ivy 19 Nov 2012 2:31 am
Reviewer: Outlawgal (Signed) [Report This]
    lol the minds of innecent children "will you dip your wand in her caldron" (that line had me blushing while laughing)
    Yeah he finally Proposed it is about time (I can't believe I am about to say this but) Put your wand in her Caldron already (man I have a dirty mind)

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