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Reviews For Away in a Manger
Title: Breath of Heaven 02 Feb 2010 4:55 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    It was a wonderful chapter! One thing stroke me as weird: "Poppy rattled off potions and Sandra Summoned them wandlessly through the Floo Network." It seems that Poppy knew exactly what potions she needs (previously I thought that Poppy does not know how to heal the burns). As she apparently KNEW, and Malfoy was hanging around instead of brewing them and Popply did not try to buy them, it means that Poppy knew how to heal Harry but decided not to. Well, that is weird. Not notifying Severus is believable to me, but leaving her patient to die... well, I can hardly believe it. And if she did, there should be consequences.
    I liked the hero death Augustus died.

    Author's Response: No, this was after the Professor had already sent the letter to SEverus and had left the room by then and returned to her office or her lab so Dumbledore could not implicate her if he hapened to see her. They had already given Harry the round of potions he needed and that's why he was sleeping.  Poppy knew what potions she had on hand, but they probably weren't enough and rather than wait for the professor to brew more, she told Sandra what she needed for her patient and Sandra has a stock of potions in her apothecary so she Summoned them for her.  I don't think poppy would ever stand there and not treat a patient if she could help it. Harry's burn had been treated by them before Zandra wrote the letter to the Snapes.  Soon after that, like minutes, they arrived. The thing Harry was in danger of was the magical drain, and Dumbledore had already been there recently and tried to give some of his magic to Harry but it failed. That's why Sev and Augustus had to do that spell.
Title: Breath of Heaven 02 Feb 2010 4:19 am
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    -sniffs- I will miss Augustus. I understand why he chose to do what he did and truly I admire him for it, but my heart breaks for his family. It's going to be especially hard on Harry, I think; he is still young and might not truly understand why his grandfather felt that his sacrifice was necessary.

    I really want to give Dumbledore a swift kick in the rear for his attempt to keep Harry's family from him. It's really a pity that Augustus stopped Severus from giving him frostbite. My gut tells me that Albus had plans to whisk Harry away in a grand scheme to make him into the perfect pawn. I'm sure that he had every intention of taking control of Harry's life. I'm really grateful to Prof. Malfoy for having the mettle to do what was right and not let Albus get away with whatever he was planning. It might well have cost Harry his life if she hadn't.

    On a better note...the wedding ceremony was lovely and I'm glad that Harry and Severus have finally brought Sandra into their family where she belongs.

    Great chapter!
Title: Breath of Heaven 02 Feb 2010 2:10 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    OMG nooooo Agustus! T_T I liked the old terror! :(
    But it's for family, I hope Harry won't take it too hard. Also in the hospital wing he called him Harry once :)
    i hope the horicrux don't apply for voldi cause it would completely suck if he came back....i wonder what are in the memories.
    unexpected guest? >_< oh man i dunno...dumbledore but he's not unexpected...i want to say dru but she passed on....ugh i dunno Malfoy Sr? XD
Title: Holly and Ivy 02 Feb 2010 2:03 am
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    lol the talk was awesome! XD
    i felt bad for sev, but when harry got interested in the books whew lol ur lucky ur son is so open minded lol though he still has some childish remarks, kissing ewww! haha

    ah head colds are the worst! the only thing i can recommend is sleep 8 hours and around the same time each day it'll make you feel better. hope you get better soon!
Title: Breath of Heaven 02 Feb 2010 1:53 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I read the previous chapter and this one back to back. Loved the sex talk, and then this one wow! How dare albus not tell them harry is hurt. What greater love then sacrificing for ones fsmily. RIP Augustus. Great chapter.
Title: Breath of Heaven 01 Feb 2010 7:52 pm
Reviewer: mithrilandtj (Signed) [Report This]
    That old man certainly knows how to make an exit!
    Went out with a BIG BANG (haha)
    Phooey! And I was kinda hoping for more fights between him & Albus too!
Title: Breath of Heaven 01 Feb 2010 5:26 pm
Reviewer: ForensicFan93 (Signed) [Report This]
    You're evil.

    First you don't update Return to Prince Manor. Then you're not finished with Two Hawks Hunting. And now you've killed off my favorite character in here! Augustus was my favorite! *tears* You're mean. That's all I have to say.

    Excellent chapter though.
Title: Breath of Heaven 01 Feb 2010 4:22 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous) [Report This]
    A glorious, fitting end for Augustus, but so sad. Even with the hint in the author's notes the chapter had me in tears.(Just glad I didn't read it at work like I usually do!).
Title: Breath of Heaven 01 Feb 2010 3:35 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I needed a half a box of kleenex by the time I finished reading the chapter. I'm going to miss Augustusm the old curmugeon! But this was incredibly well-written and I'm looking forward to the next part.
Title: Breath of Heaven 01 Feb 2010 3:11 pm
Reviewer: Huntresss (Signed) [Report This]
    I've cried and cried and cried... this chapter was horrible and perfect at the same time...

    Harry is going to be impossible to console and lost with mystic gone too.

    Update soon so i can move past these tears.

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