Title: We Three Kings
| 28 Jan 2010 12:06 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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Brilliant chapter! Augustus gave Severus good advice and I hope he takes it. And the revenge on the Dursleys was perfect. What a heartless creature Petunia is! And Vernon too. The only good ones in that family seem to be Marge and Dudley.
Loved it! Fantastic that they got what they deserved and how. They got away with abuse in the books. I liked how you had Augustus urge Sev to date too. Wonderful!
Now that Harry knows what was done to him when he was a baby, he can let it go and continue with his life. As Marge mentioned, Petunia and Vernon could have simply taken him to an orphanage if they didn't want him. There was no excuse for the cruelty of their actions. I hope they enjoy their incarceration! :D
It would be good if Harry and Dudley were able to establish some kind of relationship. They are of an age and perhaps they can become friends. It would be for Harry to have contact with the muggle world and it wouldn't hurt for Dudley to have contact with the Magical as well.
I agree with Augustus that it's far past time for Severus to get on with his life. I understand that Severus was in love with Lily, but she married someone else and has been dead for years. Sandra is a lovely woman and it will be good for Severus to get out of the house.
Great chapter!
YAY! Dursleys are gone! Kinda... I hope Dumbledore doesn't notice, and that Dudley and Harry can get along. The TALK btwn Sev and Augustus was funny XD I don't know why it was for me. Severus is gonna be with Sandra? ooo this I gotta see XD
Title: We Three Kings
| 27 Jan 2010 12:39 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Finally, the dursley's pay! I love it when the dursleys get theres, Great chapter.
Nice. Couldn't have happened to more deserving people.
Good Job! I liked the part with Harry and Dudley. :-D
First of all, I love the title of this chapter. We sang We Three Kings in school during our Christmas Choir concert. Wow... sucks being the Dursleys. Agustus is very scary. That was a lot of Accidental magic Harry was giving off, it was awesome. Wow Aunt Marge didn't sound like a bitch in this story, that's good. I love this story. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)
Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 25 Jan 2010 12:29 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for a great and long chapter. Loved all of it but I don't think Severus would kiss so soon!
Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 25 Jan 2010 12:29 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for a great and long chapter. Loved all of it but I don't think Severus would kiss so soon!