Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 24 Jan 2010 12:48 am
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed)
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But but what is he going to talk to him about. wonderful chapter great job! Love the character development
Title: Mr. Grinch
| 23 Jan 2010 6:05 pm
Reviewer: manna_celeste (Anonymous)
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Being of Slavic origin I was greatly surprised by the name and 've done some research. And Bingo! It's not Slavic, it's German: •Valeska (von lat: Valeria, die Gesunde, die Kräftige, die Starke, die Glorreiche, von valere - stark, weibliche Form von Valerius, Ladislaus) ist ein weiblicher Vorname. de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valeska Means Healthy, Strong or Powerful.
And a great chapter, SnapeGirl! We love you!
Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 22 Jan 2010 5:35 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Great one! I loved how the elves reacted to Harry after he came back and loved the whole adoption thing. The only part that made me wonder was the Harry and Susannah pairing. Isn't it a bit too early?
Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 22 Jan 2010 4:04 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed)
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Ah haha sneaky old Augustus! I'm guessing through the adoption there's now a chance that Harry can be an Elementalist now? I'm guessing Severus is peeved that Augustus interfered, but not that he didn't enjoy it...or maybe all she asked was a kiss since he couldn't accept her because his heart still belongs to Lily?.....arrrg I dunno! lol I'm guessing Harry is going to listen in and then get caught...he really needs to learn to either listen in without getting caught or just not listen in at all XD AHHHHHHH I can't wait for more! Sadly classes start Monday, but I'll do my best to read and review! PS Take your time in answering ^-^ OMG it's freaking cold.....gotta not think about the morning bus...lol XD
Surprise? Um I'm guessing the owl Severus was talking about. Also I liked how they made up lol Harry to hurt to be stubborn XD
I really liked this chapter. I'm glad Harry and Augustus were ok. I liked the adoption. Yay Harry got Hedwig. :) Wow Christmas Dinner... I had a feeling Sandra was going to be invited, I didn't know Smithers and Susannah were going to be. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)
Title: A Christmas to Remember
| 22 Jan 2010 2:34 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed)
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This was simply a lovely chapter. I adore Lina and Augustus and everyone and I'm so glad Severus finally opened his eyes and noticed poor Sandra. Wish I was her!
Can't wait to see what happens next! Keep up the awesome job!
Oh wow, loved that chapter :) the adoption was done really well, no having to go to the ministry and maybe get caught or whatever else you normally read about magical adoptions lol. I wasnt expecting those particular dinner guests but im glad it was them, Severus would make a great partner hehe. I liked Susannah too...maybe not as much as Harry seemed to though ;)
Won’t Dumble find out that he lost rights to the Potter’s vault? I wonder why they did not empty it when they though Harry died (last Potter)? It kinda implicates there must be lots of vaults full of gold locked forever as a legacy of past families... Mila
Nice. I loved the adoption! And Sev FINALLY got together with Miss Miska! When is Albus gonna find out about Harry?