I'm happy that Severus has finally done what should have been done when Harry was a baby and adopted him (even if it was in an underhanded and secretive way..xD). I'm sure that the truth of Harry's birth will eventually come to light, but it's best if it waits until he is older.
I'm happy to see that I was mostly right about the guests for Christmas. It is looking like Harry has a new friend and perhaps future paramour in Susannah. I'm glad they got on so well.
Augustus should have spoken to Severus before inviting Sandra in his name, but I understand why he didn't; Severus would have demurred. I'm sure that Severus will take him to task for this. It's good that Severus has finally seen Sandra as the lovely woman she is and I hope that he will give her a fighting chance. I just hope that he doesn't choose to not date her simply because of Harry or something.
Great chapter!
Loved it and it's about time Sev! You need a little romance in your life and she's been waiting forever!
great chapter, I really enjoyed the part at the beginning when Harry's being healed. :-D
listen at the keyhole if it can do it without getting caught... otherwise let it go.. you're already grounded dude... don't want to make it worse.
Title: Let It Snow
| 21 Jan 2010 10:36 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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It's a fanatastic story and I love every bit of it! Yay they made up and I'm so happy for them. The part with Severus being guided by the star again was just lovely.
I can't wait to see who comes to dinner. Please let it be Sandra, please! I want her to end up with Severus.
Oh no! Harry how could you be so foolish! It's a good thing that Severus found him and was able to finally talk things out. I was so excited when he found him. The ending made me cry. So beautiful!
Title: Let It Snow
| 21 Jan 2010 5:04 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely chapter I loved their talk and the way Severus has been rather too good to believe he has shown his human side thank you
Loved it (Sorry thought I reviewed yesterday)
The Cat, is it's name Calin or Patches? I love this story and this chapter was awesome. It gave me shivers when Severus was led to Harry by the star again. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)
Author's Response: The cat's name is Calin on this website because that's how the voting went. On ff.net, where I posted this first, the voting came out another way and it was Patches. Yeah that was pretty shivery, but I wanted it to feel that way. I have just updated again. Harry gets adopted next chapter.
bravo! Wonderful chapter.