Reviews For Away in a Manger
Hmmm...a surprise guest? Gee..; I don't know. Lets see...Smithers? Sandra? Draco (xD, probably not)? Great chapter!
I hope Sandra comes to dinner.
Abit of a shock but it was bound to happen in a dramatic way and Severus does have a temper! Thank you for updating Author's Response: Yeah he is. I know my sister says the same about hers when he's away at college, he only calls if he needs something like $$$. Yes, he does. You're welcome!
Author's Response: Aww! Okay here it is!
Author's Response: Well, she has this teensy obsession . . .don't worry, she'll redeem herself. Hmm . . .you could be right. Read and find out! I loved writing the Howler!
I have no clue how Severus is going to fix this maybe a bit of help from Augustus? Author's Response: I didn't like the troll either--it was nasty, LOL!
Yes he'll need Augustus' help big time.
Update soon, can't wait! Author's Response: Thanks. Severus will give it a goo go and maybe he'll even succeed!
That last argument was brilliant and I feel bad for both of them and hope that SEverus will return to talk with Harry and patch things up. Such a beautiful story! Author's Response: Thanks so much! |
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