Reviews For Away in a Manger
I think Augustus will take it as well as can be expected, though I think he'll immediately understand the legal implications of the situation and try to get it cleared up.
I feel so bad for Severus. I hope that Harry can forgive Severus when he finds out what he's done.
I loved Severus' new familiar and I hope Augustus is not too harsh with Severus for keeping that secret, he should understand.
Is Smithers really a Grinch or is he more of a Scrooge? ;)
Wow Harry is brave to give Mr. Smithers a gift, good to know he's growing up to be an awesome lad :D I loved Sev's familiar! Can't wait to see more of her! Next chapter...uh-oh and Neville always wanted for christmas? >_> uh his parents to have gotten cured? and sev tells augustus....i think his reaction would be thank you for telling me i already knew lol! but why didn't you tell me....*sev gives his answer* --silence-- XD
But wow the Harry isn't my real son thing is really making me feel...arg! I dunno what's gonna happen! >_< I hope he wont get mad or anything....well on to read the next chapter! Author's Response: He has, don't worry. Yeah, i know it's very stressful isn't it? Augustus might get irritated he doesn't like to be lied to, but he is all in all a fair man.
I've been enjoying your story so far. It's really good! to be honest, I totally forgot about Smithers. xD Sev's familiar's pretty awesome...where do you get these ideas? I think Augustus will take it pretty well. After all, he suspects it, right? Though I think he'll definitely want to kill the Dursleys'...and maybe Dumbledore too. hope I'm right! =) keep up the good work. I can't wait for the next chapter! ~shige
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