Reviews For Away in a Manger
Veleska seems to be the perfect choice for Severus. It's clear that she decided that Severus was worthy of her immediately and I don't think it was because Augustus chose her specifically for him; she is far too intellegent to simply do as she is told. I'm sure she read his heart (all animals can tell if you are a good person) and accepted him as her master. I'm glad that Severus is going to finally tell Augustus the truth and I hope that Harry won't be hurt too badly. My guess is that Augustus will have mixed feelings. He might feel a bit hurt, angry, and disappointed that Severus didn't trust him with the truth sooner, and proud, understanding, and most of all love for all that Severus did to give Harry the best life possible despite the lack of blood relation. Blood or not, Harry IS a Snape! Many of the things that Severus did will finally make sense to him and I'm sure that he will do all that is in his power to help them. Great chapter! Author's Response: Yes, I feel bad for Smithers too. It's a terrible thing to have happen and hopefully Harry will be able to help him heal. All it takes is a little kindness sometimes. She really is and she knew that SEverus was her master because she could sense his inner nature, and that's why she agreed to bond with him. All animals can sense whether o not a person is good or bad. You're right, Augustus would feel that way and Harry is a Snape in all ways save one.
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing, sorry I kept you up so late!
Can't wait till Sev reveals the big secret. Update soon! Author's Response: Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy my newest chapter!
Can't wait to see if Sev tells Augustus next chapter. Happy Birthday Severus! Author's Response: Aww! Thanks so much and you'll see next chapter if that happens, I just posted it!
Author's Response: Sometimes it takes that kind of thing to make a kid realize how lucky he is.
Thanks for reading and here's a new one!
Author's Response: Thanks and here's anew one for you!
Author's Response: Thanks and here's another one for you!
Author's Response: Thanks. I think it's important for kids to learn that lesson, especially if they aren't used to thinking about other children in that way. I always donate to some kind of charity when I can, especially around the holidays. We do a book drive at Barnes and Noble and most of the staff buys at least 1 or two books, I usually do a set of a series, this year it was Peter & the Star Catchers--a new novelazation about how Peter became Peter pan, before he met Wendy. Harry, because of how he was raised here, needed to learn that lesson badly, and Augustus and Severus made it possible.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! Yes, Dumbledore has much to answer for, not just for giving him to people without asking first, but also not making sure the child was looked after properly. I have a new chapter posted!
Well...Augustus definitely realizes that Harry IS the same child as the missing Harry Potter, though he assumes that he is biologically Severus', which of course isn't true. And Severus is still scared to tell Harry and Augustus the truth. Time is running out and he needs to unburden himself and soon. Author's Response: yes, that was an important lesson for Harry--or any child--to learn and he was lucky he had such caring adults to teach it to him. Yes, Augustus does have a few misconceptions there, but Severus could clear them up once he makes up his mind to get over his fear of being rejected and just bite the bullet and tell Augustus the truth. Thanks so much for reading! |
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