Reviews For Away in a Manger
Author's Response: You're so right! Hope you like the next part!
Author's Response: Thanks so much and I have updated! Hope you like the next one!
I hope that Severus'll learn to trust his Grandfather and share that burden with him - he might even be able to help him with a solution, he's a powerful and clever man after all with many connections. And he loves Harry and Severus and will do everything for them, I'm sure! Poor Severus, to have to walk around with this waiting for the other shoe to drop... I love this story, it'S really great, as all your work usually is! Author's Response: Thanks very much for your kind review. Yes, Augustus is not a stupid man and he does regret what he did to Harry that long ago day. He does love both his grandson and Harry and would do whatever it took to make sure they were safe and happy, he takes his duties to his family very seriously. He could indeed help Severus out once Sev confides him, but that won't be until two chapters from now.
Author's Response: Thanks and I didn't realize I made a mistake with the date.
Author's Response: I like that one too! To see who won, read the next chapter I've posted.
Author's Response: Aww and you're right! Harry will hug her to death!
Author's Response: Hi, thanks for your vote and hope you enjoy the next chapter!
Malfoy gosh what a way to get back, Draco really didn't even think anything about it lol I guess he regrets it since *cough* Authoress I mean Santa got back at him :P I hope the kitten keeps Harry out some trouble ^^ but then that might be asking for a lot. Name...hm..I like Calin lol since it was the first thing Harry did, he hugged her...I'm so corny lol. Author's Response: That's really sweet! Yeah well, Draco didn't realize just what Lucius was going to do and then he probably figured the prank would wear off in a bit. Yeah gotta love Santa right? Uh, yeah the kitten might keep Harry occupied for a while but Trouble follows Harry all over. See the next chapter to find out what I mean.
Author's Response: Thanks and you're right, it does. Hope you like the next chapter.
I love this story it's so cute and funny and it makes me want to go aww! I hope Severus tells Grandpa about Harry soon. I like Calin for a kitten's name. Author's Response: Thanks and he will eventually. Like in 3 chapters. I'll ask him and see what he says, LOL! |
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