Reviews For Away in a Manger
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Think I'd go for Calin the Calico cat. Author's Response: Yes, well Severus is still afraid something might be destroyed if he tells his secret. See the next chapter for more images and funny moments.
Of those you mentioned, Bast Author's Response: Thanks and I'll make sure your vote is noted. Oh and a new chapter has been posted.
Author's Response: It would, but I thought choking on some holiday sweet was rather amusing too! Yes, I really like that name! Check out the next chapter to see what happens next!
Author's Response: Aww thanks so much! Hope you enjoy it, it should last for about 20-21 or 22 chapters.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! Lucius really is a nasty thing!
I think Callidora is a lovely name for a cat! Author's Response: yes it does! Thanks so much for reviewing!
Ohmigoodness, please tell me that Augustus will be alright??! I don't want anything to happen to him! How long until Sev tells him about Harry? Author's Response: He won't be dying anytime soon, don't worry. Severus will tell him in about 2 chapters, check out the next one to see what else Harry learns.
i would name the kitten Bast, after the Cat goodess of egyption mythology. i always wanted to name one of my cats that!LOL Author's Response: So did I but I never got another one after my last one died and her name was Magik.
Yes, he sure did and served him right.
Author's Response: Thanks very much! |
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