Reviews For Away in a Manger
ah ow that's gottng hurt but then a small spanking i think is needed sometimes >_< emphasis on small Author's Response: That is true. Because some girls grow up to be truly horrendous teenagers and do things that drive their moms crazy. Lke my nieces did. Augustus did got oo far but at least he's sorry for it and will never do it again. By the way I've up dated again!
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Author's Response: Well, now he knows better! Harry does indeed and he will be around them more next chapter and he'll meet Draco and the Weasleys, well some of them. Check out my next chapter to see what happens and thank you for reading! :)
Author's Response: Aww thanks! And just read the next one to get the whole caroling experience, complete with Malfoys!
Author's Response: You do? Where do you live? We had so much snow in south Jersey I thought I was living up in Vermont or New Hampshire. 24 inches last snowfall! Took us 2 days to get dug out of our house and street! As a matter of fact Ron's in the next chapter I've just posted. And so are Lucius and Draco. Harry will certainly try! Thanks for reading!
Author's Response: Thanks so much they both have.
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Author's Response: Thanks and I agree, that song is really hilarious!
Author's Response: No, I don't think Augustus knew Nott's dad. Ron and some of his brothers will be in a chapter, but probably not the next one but the one after it. I just posted again.
Author's Response: Thanks so much! Here's more for you! |
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