Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Away in a Manger
Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 29 Dec 2009 4:42 am
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    Enjoyed this chapter so much. Enjoying this story so much. Thank you for the update. Happy New Year to you

    Author's Response: Aww thanks so much!
Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 29 Dec 2009 3:02 am
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    I can understand why Augustus felt the need to spank Harry, but he was wrong to do so without speaking to Severus first and should NEVER have used a ruler. He went too far and is lucky that Severus is willing to give him another chance.
    When Harry crawled through the window the first time, Augustus should have warded the window or spelled it shut. That way Harry wouldn't have been able to get on the roof again. That probably would have been the best solution.
    Great chapter!

    Author's Response:

    Yes, he did and he was lucky that Severus forgave him.

    It would have but I think Augustus figured he would be out there and didn't anticipate Harry climbing out on the roof quite so quickly after he had just been scolded about it. He wa sonly gone maybe three minutes, after all. Thanks and hope you enjoy the next one.

Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 28 Dec 2009 7:26 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Signed) [Report This]
    very nice

    Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 28 Dec 2009 4:45 pm
Reviewer: Dramagirl007 (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow a lump of coal... my mom... I mean "Father Christmas" still gives me lumps of coal in my stocking, sometimes it's coal gum and sometimes it's plastic toy coal. I think it's funny. I was stuck at a hotel during Christmas and didn't get to celebrate Christmas until the 27th. We had a lot of snow and all of the streets were closed. It was still a good Holiday though. Wow Harry was very naughty. Keep up the good work and please update ASAP. :)

    Author's Response:

    That's really cute! One time when my nieces were really bad, they got real coal in their stockings.

    My mom likes that hard licorice coal that comes in a small tin bucket with a little hammer, it's so hard you need the hammer to break off a piece! She says it's really good, but I can't stand licorice.

    Ahh, that's really bad. We were almost stuck at my sisters house because it snowed so much the week before Christmas.

    Thanks and here's another chapter for you!

Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 28 Dec 2009 4:37 pm
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    We did not have naughty children, just a naughty blizzard. I'm glad your Christmas went well.

    While I don't agree with corporal punishment, I can see where Augustus would be at his wits end with Harry's behavior. Harry really was too little to be anywhere on the roof, and lying was certainly not what he should have done. That was a good bit of writing you did with the scene between Severus and Augustus when Severus revealed a little about his life with Tobias.

    Thanks for the great read.

    Author's Response:

    Ah we had the blizzard before Christmas, but it was still pretty good. 24 inches of snow in south Jersey. Haven't seen a storm like that in over 10 years at the shore.

    Yes, Augustus just lost it there and he did regret it later. Glad you liked that discussion he had with Severus it was a hard one to write, Severus kept wanting to clam up about his past and I didn't let him. I felt it wa simportant for August sweet and us to know about it.

    Hope you like the next chapter, it's more sweet and fluffy.

Title: I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas 28 Dec 2009 4:21 pm
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    Man there were times I wish I could hex people in the store. I wish I knew that spell. I fear that Snape and Harry's secret may not hold for much longer. And what an evil woman that Petunia is. I hope she gets hers soon.

    I enjoyed and I"m off to the next chappie.

    Author's Response:

    me too! Both when checking them out and then waiting on line.

    It'll hold just long enough for him to get to Hogwarts. Petunia really is evil and what goes around comes around.

    Thanks so much!

Title: Nuttin' For Christmas 28 Dec 2009 3:01 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I don't blame Severus for being upset with Augustus for punishing Harry like that. I' be furious! I've got three children, 21, 19 and 15 and I've never laid a finger on them, and they are really good kids. Time-outs, and especially rewarding "good" behaviour always works better. I've found that punishment rarely actually works well. It's better to encourage "good" behaviour.

    Snape is a good dad though, even if he is strict. It's better to be consistent, and he always is. Harry will respect him much more when he gets older, if Snape uses other methods than corporal punishment to curb his behaviour.

    I realise though that Snape is just the type to use that method of punishment, so it's very fitting, and in character when he DOES use it, but I hope that Tobias' abuse will make him think twice about it, in the future.

    If you are going to spank, you should at least never use an object, especially a ruler. I can understand Snape's throwback to his past. It must have really reminded him of his father's treatment.

    Poor Harry. A lump of coal in his stocking. At least Severus still gave him some presents. It would have been horrible if he'd really gave him nothing at all.

    I'm still looking forward to the chapter when Augustus realises that Henry is really Harry Potter!!!

    Great chappie as usual Snapegirl. I'm all emotional here.

    Author's Response:

    Yes, Severus had the right to be furious with his grandfather since it's really Sev's job to dole out rewards and punishments mostly and Augustus overstepped by hurting Harry like that.

    You're right, harry will respect Severus more if he's not walloped into next week.

    Severus will never lay a hand on Harry in that way here, he's far too conscious of his own experiences in that regard. Except once in awhile a playful cuff.

    yeah, but next time he'll behave, LOL. It would have been terrible, but Severus isn't that cruel.

    That chapter will be coming up!

    Aww thanks! 

Title: I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas 27 Dec 2009 5:16 pm
Reviewer: Snapesexfiend (Signed) [Report This]
    Severus is awesome and so is this story. Loved him trouncing Malfoy like he was a firstie. Wicked! And I've waited on so many lines for things for my kids it's not even funny.

    Please update soon!

    Author's Response: Thanks and I just have so hope you enjoy it!
Title: I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas 27 Dec 2009 5:10 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Go Severus1 He really put Malfoy in his place. Yes! And it was really cool of Molly to tell the manager about what Sev did so he could get the toy for Harry. By the way, I loved the song!

    Author's Response: Aww thanks, you're so seeet! I loved Handing Malfoy  his head (figuratively) and I love that song too it's so funny!
Title: I Want A Hippopotamus For Christmas 27 Dec 2009 4:36 pm
Reviewer: Elphaba (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh it was an awesome chapter, very sweet!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much and I hope you like the next one!

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