Reviews For Away in a Manger
Wonderful Chapter! Thank you and Merry christmas. V. Author's Response: Oh yes and I know how it feels. Utter torture1 Thank God I didn't have to go through that this year, but other years . . . Merry Christmas and I've updated again for you!
UH OH! Augustus is getting suspious. Look out Sev. And yes, i do remember the toy "crazes"!LOL I was one of the nuts on linr this year for those ZhuZhu pet hampsters! Author's Response: Yes, eventually Augustus might figure it all out before Sev makes up his mind to tell him. OMG, do I feel bad for you! Been there and done that! Hope you enjoy my next chapter I've posted!
Author's Response: Thanks and same to you!
Author's Response: I agree! Hope you like the next chapter I've posted.
Nice chappie. I'm really glad for Severus and Harry. And Augustus too. :) Author's Response: No, it doesn't sound morbid at all. My dad's been doing a few things like that for years, trying to let go of old grudges, because an Italian man can hold a grudge for years . .. they invented the vendetta after all. All of them deserve each other and should make a happy family. Though on occasion Sev and Augustus will butt heads. Thanks again for R & R ing!
Author's Response: Yeah, Harry will really be a handful, and it's awful to take care of a baby when they're sick that way. It really tests you. Glad you're enjoying this and this will also show Harry growing up, not just as a little baby.
Very nice start. Author's Response: I know, I donate to every one of my local animal shelters and child abuse centers around the holidays. It's really inexcusable what they Dursleys did and one day they'll regret it. Thanks for reading!
Author's Response: Yes, it does and you never know about Lucius, he's a slippery character. You're right, Severus will need Augustus to help if someone else finds out who he is. But right now Harry's safe because nobody's seen him outside of Foxfire Hall. That may change soon though. Anyway, here's a new chppie for you and thanks so much for all your reviews! I need to go and review your story.
OOh, that Lucius is such an arse, isn't he? I just know that he's going to cause trouble for Sev and Harry, and that scares me. An autograph pic of Severus, you say? Yummy! Thanks. Merry Christmas! Author's Response: Yes, Augustus is too canny to not figure out what's going on. He is and he's going to cause a bit of a stir later on. I agree, he's so sexy! Merry Christmas to you too and hope it's a good one! I've posted again, BTW! Happy reading.
Happy Christmas Author's Response: Same to you, hon! And here's a new one for you! |
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