Reviews For Away in a Manger
Author's Response: You're welcome and I went through that one and Power Rangers, that darn Green Ranger and the dragon something flute! Ugh! and then trying to find that Pikachu one, and my sister went crazy looking for Cabbage Patch dolls for her kids and me way back when. Insane! Hope you had a great holiday and thanks for reviewing so often. I love it! Now here's some more for you!
Author's Response: Thanks so much and here's some more for you!
Author's Response: Yeah maybe they will once all is revealed. I hope so! I have a Cabbage Patch doll that I have in storage. maybe one of my nieces will get it someday . . .if they behave. Hope you like the next chapter!
Harry is so bad lol and cute! Poor Severus :P And Grandpa is wondering, I wonder for how long though...MERRY XMAS! Author's Response: Thanks and the same to you! :) Just wait till you see what happens in the next chapter! It's up now and will soon be followed by another!
Author's Response: Thanks and it really does work1 Hope you like the next chapter!
The snowman theme really got to me since I love them and would love it if one came to life! Too bad I don't have magic! Author's Response: Me too! I'd love to! Thanks for reading.
Author's Response: Thanks so much!
Author's Response: Thank you, glad to know that.
Author's Response: Oh yes, we sure have and here's another one for you to enjoy!
Well, Harry certainly chose a wonderful and exciting way to announce his magical abilities, didn't he? I really liked how Severus handled the 'loss' of Snowflake. This way Harry won't be too sad about the demise of the snow dog. I wonder if Severus will ever come clean about Harry's true parentage? I really believe that Augustus will understand and accept Harry no matter what. Great chapter! Author's Response: Yes, Harry has a streak of naughtiness coming up in chapter ten. He did, but then he's Harry. Yes, Harry won't be too sad. You could be right, but Severus is very cautious and eventually he might tell him, or Augustus might just figure it out himself. Thanks so much! |
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