Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Away in a Manger
Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 6:02 pm
Reviewer: severitusfan4ever (Signed) [Report This]
    awww... very cute :)

    Author's Response: Thanks and here's a new chappie for you!
Title: Do You Hear What I Hear? 17 Dec 2009 6:00 pm
Reviewer: Ash (Signed) [Report This]
    I am enjoying this greatly, thanks so much for writing it! Am a great fan of stories where you can see Harry as a toddler or a small child with Sev as his father or guardian because most people just skip over it and it's straight to Hoggy. This is great!

    BTW, kids speak in full sentences much earlier than two. I've noticed this in fanfics a lot and pretty much all the kids I know were capable of simple sentences already at one though girls do tend to be ahead of boys in this.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks and I like them too! Harry will be little for several more chapters and then gradually grow until he goes off to Hogwarts and this story will go up to his first year, to the end of the second term. So you'll have lots of chances to see baby Harry and his discoveries.

    Yes, I know, and I have several nieces and nephews who spoke much earlier than two. It really depends on the child though and some reviewers think harry's is too advanced as compared with children they know or have. But I patterned Harry after several of my own nephews at the same age, who happen to be really early talkers and very smart. And my mom tells me I talked at eleven months and by the time I was two could speak full sentences and never shut up.

    Here's a new chapter for you! :) Hope you enjoy it.

Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 4:28 pm
Reviewer: Sukisho816 (Signed) [Report This]
    This story makes my heart happy. :)

    Author's Response: Yay! That's great to hear and I have some more posted!
Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 2:33 pm
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    It's good to reminence about loved ones lost, but you also must be careful not to get too maudlin over it. You need to live your life and find joy in it, even with them gone. I'm really glad that Severus contacted Augustus; both of them needed a family to connect with and now these two lonely men have found a slice of happiness. It's wonderful to see Harry so happy and I hope that Severus will be able to continue to protect him from those that would use him.

    Great chapter!

    Author's Response: Yes, becoming a family with Augustus was what they all needed and Harry will keep them in stitches and wanting to pull their hair out. Severus will do his best to do so.
Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 1:14 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    nice, lovely, gentle :)

    Author's Response: Thanks and now you can check out the next part. 
Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 12:21 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    this chapter had me saying aww alot!LOL im so glad that arry and Severus get to have a normal christmas. And I love it how you made the House elves almost like humans. i hated the way that in the books they were treated as slaves and filth. well done. 100 house points to you!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, I needed that. :)

    I wanted to write the elves somewhat differently here, since I think the Princes would have treeated them more like beloved retainers than slaves like the Malfoys. They're that kind of people. I never liked the way they were treated in the books either and how hardly anyone seemed to mind. Then again, I guess it was similar to the attitude the South had during the Civil War regarding slavery. It was accepted because it had been going on so long it had become a way of life to some southern people.  Even Ron, who supposedly has a decent family and isn't really prejudiced, tells Hermione that the elves "like" working for the wizards and would be unhappy if they didn't. But I think that the elves grew used to being bound to a wizard and not having free will to choose and when given freedom, don't know what to do with it or how to react, like Winky, who regarded her "freedom" as a form of failure to obey her master.

    Anyway, glad you liked the chapter, you'll be seeing more of the elves and the next chapter is up.

Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 11:06 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Ahh that was a lovely, if sad, part with Augustus telling them about the history of the ornaments, im so glad that he has Harry and Severus to make his life a bit brighter :)

    Author's Response: Yes it wa ssad but at least he has some family left he can lean on and Harry will remind him all too well of what it's like to have a small child in the house again. Just read the next part to see what I mean.
Title: Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree 17 Dec 2009 9:03 am
Reviewer: Mervoparkite (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter! I'm glad they have become a family!

    I loved the background family stuff--especially the info on grandmother and grandfather being elementals.

    Looking forward to your next update.


    Author's Response:

    So am I since they all need that desperately.

    Oh good, I didn't want it too be boring.  But I wanted Augustus and Drusilla to be somewhat different from other wizards and witches because it's fun to play around that way with different talents and powers.

    Thanks and I've posted again!

Title: They Came Upon A Midnight Clear 16 Dec 2009 7:28 pm
Reviewer: Snapesexfiend (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww1 So cute! Good for Sev's grandpa and Harry was so funny! I really hate that Smithers. Sev is well rid of him. Blech!

    Author's Response: Thanks and you're right about Smithers, Severus doesn't need to take that kind of crap. Nobody does.
Title: They Came Upon A Midnight Clear 16 Dec 2009 4:50 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Loved it! This story is brilliant. Can't wait to see more of the Snapes as a family. So very in the spirit of the Christmas season.

    Augsutus reminds me of an elder Severus and Harry is just too adorable!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, that's just what I wanted to hear. 

    I;ve posted again so now you can read some more!

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