Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Away in a Manger
Title: Silent Night . . .Sort Of 11 Dec 2009 12:43 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great chapter. Brought me back to when my Daughter was a baby. And I'd like to say sorry to Severus for laughing my head off when Harry pee'd on him!LOL

    Author's Response:

    That really was funny though, wasn't it?

    And it's happened to me, so I can laugh over it!

    But poor Sev! LOL!

Title: Blue Christmas 11 Dec 2009 12:38 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    What a great christmas story. Sev must keep hsrry, please!

    Author's Response: Sev will be trying to keep him. See the next chapter for details, LOL!
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 11:59 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thanks so much and I've posted a new chapter!
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 10:28 pm
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a nice chapter. I enjoyed the pangs that Snape is going through. He really isn't an less suited than any other new parent. Here's to Harry getting well and Severus getting a better job.

    Thanks for the update.

    Author's Response: That's true, he isn't, but he thinks he is, because he has a self-confidence problem and is a perfectionist.  Take a look at the next chapter to see what happens next with regards to Harry and Severus' situation. Thanks for reading and reviewing! :) 
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 10:07 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Anonymous) [Report This]
    i am really enjoying this story. thank you so much

    Author's Response: Thanks so much for reading! I'm really addicted to this fic now!
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 8:49 pm
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    I like the idea of Harry having alburn hair instead of black. Poor Severus, he's fallen for those beautiful green eyes.....loved this chapter!

    Author's Response: Oh good! I've wanted to write him like that for a long time now.  Yes he sure has, but then, who wouldn't? I adore men with green eyes!
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 7:31 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Aw, Harry just sounds so adorable. I want to just hug the little tyke. Poor Snape though. It sounds like he's falling in love with Harry, and is very protective of the little guy.

    I can't wait for the next update. I hope that Snape decides to keep Harry. I don't think that he can handle it to let him go. He's hooked by those large emerald eyes.

    Author's Response:

    He is, even when he tells himself he shouldn't. But he can't help it.

    Who can resist the irresistible green-eyed gaze?

    No he couldn't not now.

    Thanks so much for reviewing, Pandora!

Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 7:24 pm
Reviewer: autumnamberleaves (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww that was cute and I don't think Harry seemed over-his-age. My neices and nephew were like that (they're now 11-Rose 5- Faith 5-Thomas (F + T are twins) when they were little ones...Well Thomas was, Rose and Faith didn't talk much at all until they were near 3. Great job

    Author's Response: Thanks so much. So many of my nieces and nephews talked early and I did myself, that I didn't find it unusual that Harry could also. He lisps a bit, but I think that's cute.  I've just updated again, BTW!
Title: Blue Christmas 10 Dec 2009 7:03 pm
Reviewer: Fairner (Signed) [Report This]
    Professor Hush-a-bye haha :D you're awesome when you're tired Sev! lol

    Yes I was thinking about that, if Harry is as Sev says about a year I didn't know boys talked at that age. But Harry is special, he had to learn early I suppose.

    Loved the Chapter, I hope a Christmas Miracle happens for this weary Potions Master so he can keep Harry!

    Author's Response:

    Glad you liked the bear's name, I had a rather hard time coming up with one that I thought Snape would like.

    He's a year and a half and most of the kids I were around, my nephews and nieces, all talked some what at that age. Some were very advanced and spoke clearly in sentences others a few words here and there and some two word sentences.  It all depends upon the child. I think Harry would be a very bright child and able to talk well by two years old.

    Check out the next chapter for the answer to Sev's dilemma.

Title: Silent Night . . .Sort Of 10 Dec 2009 11:03 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Never a DE! Good to see him free of guilt for once. I do not understand, though, why the most brilliant potion maker earns such a small salary.

    Author's Response: Yes I didn't want him being a DE to complicate things.  He might be a brillian tpotions maker, but his boss is a cheapskate and doesn't pay him half of what he's worth.  And right now the other apothecaries aren't hiring.  So he has to make do, unfortunately. But things might change someday.

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