PLEASE write a sequel! I just love the way you've portrayed this family and how you've made it your own. And a 15 year old Harry would be amazing!
Title: Joy to the World
| 11 Feb 2010 9:55 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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I really loved this story! I say go for the sequel. I have a feeling Talia will give Harry a run for his money!
Title: Joy to the World
| 11 Feb 2010 8:52 pm
Reviewer: meegie09 (Anonymous)
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O man, this was a great story! I would luv 2 c a sequel!
Consider this a standing ovation. A masterful story. I enjoyed every chapter!
Thank you for sharing with us. V.
Never ask if we want a sequel because the answer is always yes :D. I would love more fanfic to read; maybe some stuff about Talia growing up and Harry/Talia interaction.
Title: Joy to the World
| 11 Feb 2010 5:54 pm
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous)
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Very nice ending =o) Thank you for the story and of course I want a sequel! =o)
Cool! I really enjoyed reading this, and I'd definitely would love to see a sequel!
Title: Joy to the World
| 11 Feb 2010 5:06 pm
Reviewer: malimed (Anonymous)
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*sniff sniff* such a good story! and a fantastic ending. i always love seeing a story where harry gets someone to stand up for him and snape gets to be a happy, well-adjusted person. bravo!
I LOVED this story!!!! PLEASE write a sequel!!!!!
Thank you for this great story!
I wouldn't mind a sequel, i'm really curious about how elemental powers awaken and how everybody react lol
Thanks again ^_^