Reviews For Twining
Author's Response: Glad I could counteract work a little... hate those Monday mornings ^^. Haha, ahh, true, I hadn’t thought of that. I bet he would have been very... inventive ^-^
Author's Response: Hehe Thank you ^^ - *sends many more Christmas fuzzies*, hope you have a good one ^^
Author's Response: Aw Thanks! Hope it stays warm too, ‘tis the time and all that ^-^
I can just picture every moment of it, perfect!!! Author's Response: Aw thank you ^^ Very happy it was imaginable... although I don’t think it takes too much of a stretch to believe that sev wouldn’t be thrilled about doing Secret Santas... who would if Trelawney was a possibility?
Author's Response: Thank you! Glad you liked it ^^
Author's Response: Thanks! Glad you liked it and hope it brightened your day a little ^-^
I was almost expecting Severus to transfigure something into a tree for Harry, but maybe the following year it'll be the right time to go all out. Ease Severus into the idea a bit first. ;) This was so much lighter than your other story, and I can't wait for more fluffier moments to pop up like this in there. Speaking of which, you are totally on a writing frenzy, and I'm insanely jealous. Can you please tell Tristan and Adrian to behave so I can get back to Harry and Severus soon? They're being tremendously difficult. *glares at them* ;) Author's Response: Hehe thanks ^^ and Harry’s rebellious even when he’s not trying to be so I suppose it stood to reason that he would end up feeling at home because of it – sort of like Sev’s way of making it clear that he likes Harry for Harry I guess ^^ - and messy is perfect! ^^ that’s why we have tinsel everywhere right now ^^ Oh, I’m sure Sev brought him a tree later on (it’s not like I didn’t think of that... not at all... coughhahacough) but he does seem the type to need ‘easing into it’ anyway. Would be a little odd for Harry to wake up one morning and find Sev’s been strewing tinsel and pinecones through the night ^^ Hehe, with this and Impossible, I seem to need fluff to tide myself over (and for people reading Antonomasia) until I can get to the fluff in that. There’s just too much angst in it right now, I cant wait until I can get to the better bits either ^^ at least this isn’t so hard to read ^^ Haha, I may have been on a writing frenzy last week but I think it’s drained out of me a little, hopefully it’s passed on to you now, God knows you need it more ^^ *smacks Tristan and Adrian upside the head... then apologises... to Tristan ^^* ‘behave you two!’... now that that’s said I’m all out of ideas so they better be behaving now ^^
Author's Response: Aww thanks! I take it as a huge compliment to have my writing compared to hot chocolate. Very glad it was so festive ^-^ |
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