Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 28 Feb 2010 9:57 pm
Reviewer: wynnleaf (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very nice indeed.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much.  I'm glad you enjoyed.


Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 24 Feb 2010 1:01 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    I really liked that. It probably doesn't have a sequel does it?

    Author's Response:

    While I can't absolutely rule a sequel out, I don't think the story, as it stands would support one. 

    Thanks for your review.  I"m glad you liked it.


Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 17 Jan 2010 3:49 am
Reviewer: Jan_AQ (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww, loved it! So cute! hehehe. I did wish that they had at least one great rumpus together though. Thanks for writing and sharing it!

    Author's Response:

    Well, Snape and Harry can start their own Rumpuses, and who knows that they don't go back there to visit?  They are both Not Max...

    Thanks for  the review.


Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 13 Jan 2010 8:04 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Very unusual, but beautiful and sweet! I am glad you wrote this!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks!  It combined two of my favorite stories.


Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 01 Jan 2010 8:13 pm
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    aww. *wipes tears from eyes* that was so cute. one of my favorite stories growing up was Where the Wild Things Are. I read it now to my 3yr. old daughter and it still makes me cry.

    Author's Response:

    It is a really great book, isn't it? And the Beasts are so much fun. They are beastly without being scary.

     I was always jealous of Max when I was a kid.  He got all the fun, calling the Wild Rumpuses and such.  

    I"m glad you liked the story, and thank you for your review.



Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 01 Jan 2010 12:06 pm
Reviewer: Snapegirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Finally got around to reading this. Sorry it wasn't earlier, but I loved it! I loved how Severus and Harry were both Max like in the Wild Things book, one of my favorites, and how Severus saved him at the end and also used what he had learned to protect himself when he grew older. Albus is indeed another kind of beast, the worst kind, which disguises itself as something harmless, like some beasts in nature. That which is hidden often has the deadliest sting.

    I also liked how you used the old concept of naming a thing to hold power over it, like Ursula LeGuin does in her Earthsea Trilogy. Ever read that? That's another wonderful series.

    I wonder if Tom Riddle ever went to the Island of Lost Children as a boy and if he learned anything there.

    Wonderful story!

    Author's Response:

    Wow, what nice things to say. Thanks.

     I have read the Earthsea Trilogy.  It is a great series.  The idea that names have power is a common Celtic belief.  I think she studied Celtic religions to formulate some of her ideas.


    Albus is definitely one of the Beasts.  If he were a Wild Thing he would have the heart not to use people.  He has lost his wild magic, however, so he hasn't got the conscience of the innocent to temper his actions.  I doubt Tom Riddle made it to the Island of Lost Children, or he would have learned the same lessons as Severus and Harry.

    Thanks for the review.  I'm glad you liked the story.



Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 26 Dec 2009 1:10 pm
Reviewer: DazzlingD (Signed) [Report This]
    wonderful, gave me the good chills

    Author's Response:

    Wow, thanks for the kind words.


Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 26 Dec 2009 8:29 am
Reviewer: Ramelia (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, this is so, so, so lovely! Absolutely marvelous story! I love it! (Or did I already say it?) It feels very special in a Christmas-y kind of way. The fantastic island and all the beasts inhibiting it was brilliant, and I loved how Severus and Harry were brought together in that place.

    A captivating, almost fairy-tale-like story! If I could, I'd give it twenty frogs. It's absolutely fabulous! Sorry to go totally gushy over it, but it really is a very, very nice story, full of tenderness and hope.

    Thanks so much for sharing this!

    Author's Response:

    Wow, I think I'm blushing. 

    Thans so much for the kind words.  I loved both Where the Wild Things Are and Harry Potter, and they meshed so well to bring Severus together with Harry.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.



Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 26 Dec 2009 1:59 am
Reviewer: oodlesofmzness (Signed) [Report This]
    That was adorable!!!

    Where The Wild Things Are was one of my favorite books when I was younger and to have it combined with Harry Potter like that just made it a little better.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much for your kind words.  I loved WTWTA when I was a kid too.  It's one of the two books I always give to kids.  The other is "The Little Engine That Could."  Don't think I can combine that with HP very easily though.



Title: Some of His Best Friends Were Beasts 25 Dec 2009 9:50 pm
Reviewer: alifromnm (Signed) [Report This]
    This was a very sweet story. Thank you, so enjoyed it.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much  I enjoyed writing it.


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