I’m feeling all warm & fuzzy inside.
Truly a wonderful story. Kudos on a job well done.
Title: Guardians
| 30 Mar 2010 5:24 pm
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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That was beautiful and I'm sure her unlikely guardians will be the best medicine for Willow to grow and have a happy life from now on. Though I would have liked to see another chapter of Willow's reaction when she discovers what her two guardians are like and how she now has a home.
I love that song and in fact I used it as the title for my own Christmas fic. It's a great song! I loved how you have Noel and Loki team up with Severus to save Willow.
Title: Guardians
| 29 Dec 2009 9:39 pm
Reviewer: Pellegrina (Anonymous)
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Well, this was quite touching and all, but I just don't really understand why you had to turn Harry into a girl and come up with the Girl-who-lived? It didn't feel like this story actually needed this change from canon to work. But it's your story, of course, so you can do what you like with the characters, I just wondered... Thanks for sharing. How did you come up with the names of the fairies, by the way? They seemed like a strange mixture of angels and Shakespearian elves?!
Title: Guardians
| 24 Dec 2009 2:03 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you for a lovely story do you think there might be a sequel?
Title: Snow Angel
| 24 Dec 2009 1:53 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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I'm confused a little did you mean to write clock or cloak? Lovely chapter I love the sprites having slang sayings of muggles!
So there is going to be a part two right. There has to be I can just imagine the fun a little girl can have with having LOKI as a guardian LOL and it will be even better with a strict, no nonsense Snape as her other guardian.
I love this story, it is a great start for another, please write another.
Nice! Loki and Noel made it new. Mila