Definite interest here! I'd love to see Harry and Incognito Draco learning to become friends, as well as Harry and Severus learning to get over their dislike, especially working together to end the war.
I love an in-character Snape, and hope you will not soften him too fast, but I do also love (slow) reconciliation.
Good luck!
Title: Chapter 1
| 23 Feb 2010 1:20 am
Reviewer: Trimelda (Anonymous)
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Hell, yeah, write some more! You rock.
Really well done, and I like how you portrayed them (Harry, Snape, and Draco) (liked both the methods you used - subtle rather than outright stated - and the portrayals themselves).
I think that it would be a very good idea for this to be made into a longer fic/ one-shot series, whichever works best.
Title: Chapter 1
| 21 Jan 2010 1:35 pm
Reviewer: Amanda (Anonymous)
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Oooh, I think it would be GREAT if you were to continue this! Please do! I personally think a series of one-shots would be beautiful :)
This is perfect just as it is, but I can certainly see it as the jumping off point for a multi-chapter fic. So if you have the inclination, I'd be interested in seeing where you take the storyline from here, especially the Draco part of things.
You wrote something really special here. It was interesting and poignant. I particularly liked when Harry said, Things are going to change now, aren't they? Just a great line.
Author's Response: Thank you very much for reading and sharing your thoughts with me. :) I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Title: Chapter 1
| 16 Jan 2010 3:48 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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This is so beautiful! I almost cried.. I really hope you would make it a longer story, about how Snape and Harry together win the war and find each other on the way.
Author's Response: Thank you, I am planning on expanding this into another, longer story. :)
Title: Chapter 1
| 14 Jan 2010 5:06 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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It would be great if you continue this it is so good thank you
Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Chapter 1
| 13 Jan 2010 2:18 pm
Reviewer: Nilla (Anonymous)
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Loved the story! You showed the human side of Snape in a very moving way. I'm definately interested in a longer fic or one-shots. Great work, hope you keep it up! :)
Author's Response: Thank you! I am 99% sure I'll continue this, I just need to work out exactly how I'm going to do it. :)
Title: Chapter 1
| 12 Jan 2010 6:35 am
Reviewer: A-zla (Anonymous)
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Oh, I hope that you make this into a longer story! I really enjoyed it, it portrays very nicely how much both Harry and Snape care about Dumbledore.
Author's Response: Thank you very much!