I love this story! So beautiful...
Author's Response: Thank you very much.
Title: Bottle Understanding
| 28 Feb 2010 7:11 am
Reviewer: Liz (Anonymous)
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I really loved this. I'm still not 100% sure why either. While not differing much from what really happened in canon it is a beautifully written piece of prose.
Perhaps it's because you managed to give such a different feeling to the relationship -without- differing significantly from canon that makes it so great. Regardless, well done! :)
Author's Response: I'm really glad you liked this, and I'm especially glad you liked that I didn't make it differ much from canon. Thanks for reading and reviewing.
Title: Bottle Understanding
| 20 Jan 2010 3:13 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Loved this thank you
Author's Response: Thanks so much.
Title: Bottle Understanding
| 18 Jan 2010 8:58 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous)
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You did a neat little job not really changing much. This could have so easily happened. Thanks a bunch. Great story!
Author's Response: Thanks for reading and reviewing. I'm glad you liked it. That was one of my goals with this story - to change their attitudes but not the actual events. Some things, no matter how different relationships were, I think were simply fate.
I really like the idea of a respectful relationship between the two of them. I love that Harry knew the truth about Snape's loyalties way before he saw the memories and was only swayed a little by Dumbledore's death. He didn't ask Snape to explain his actions, but instead he thought rationally about Snape's actions and realized by himself who Snape was working for.
Very nice story.
Author's Response: Thanks. I definitely wanted Harry to have respect for the risk Snape took by spying in this story, because I figured if Snape hadn't been such a jerk in canon, Harry would've realized how important and risky his job was. Those were the hardest sections for me to write, so I'm glad it came out okay. Thanks for reading and reviewing. ;)
Title: Bottle Understanding
| 18 Jan 2010 3:45 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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Very Very Nice I like how you wrote this.
Author's Response: Thanks. I appreciate the review.
Aw, that was really beautiful, and very dignified. Great writing.
Aw, that was really beautiful, and very dignified. Great writing.
Author's Response: Your review totally made me smile. Thanks so much for reading and reviewing.
-sniffs- That was lovely.
Author's Response: I'm so very glad you liked it. Thank you for the review and for reading.