Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: A Patronus 27 Mar 2011 5:13 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter so no writer's block I hope now thank you for updating

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much!


Title: The Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw 27 Mar 2011 4:57 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chapter thank you so much loved Draco hee is veriIC is some ways but lovely an OoC in others

    Author's Response:

    Since we only see Draco through Harry's eyes in cannon, unless I write him as a bad, evil prat, he won't ever be in character for stories that flesh him out.  I tend to view all the characters as three dimensional, so they all have good and bad points.  That's actually the way people are.  No one is completely evil. 

    Thanks for the review.


Title: A Patronus 25 Mar 2011 11:20 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow!!! This is an absolutely amazing story! A fascinating AU, and I'm gobsmacked at how you've incorporated changes to canon that feel like canon.

    I was particularly pleased with the development of Ron's character--in many of the Severus and Harry stories, Ron gets short shrift. I like your idea of him ending up a medic, and his marriage to Hannah Abbott.

    I sympathise more and more with Severus as he walks the ever more slender tightrope of being truly Dumbledore's Man, while keeping his cover, and protecting the children at Hogwarts as best he may while pretending to support the horribleness that the Deatheaters have brought there.

    Lucius and Narcissa's switch to the Order of the Phoenix is much more realistic and satisfying to read in your fic than it was in TDH. I particularly loved that little characterization bit about Lucius and Narcissa dancing and how he realized the first time they danced that he could love her. I'm so very glad that he did admit that love. I just hope that he gets to say it again when Voldy is finally dispatched. But in this fic-verse, I'm not exactly sure that he will survive even if he is able to save his family.

    This Wizarding War feels real. The horror and pain of it, the stolen moments of passion and pleasure, the fleeting instances where hope springs up, and the too many times when the darkness, blood and fire overcome things.

    I am very impressed by your writing. There were a couple of places where you had the word "site" where you should have more properly used "sight", and "rein" where you ought to have spelled it "reign", but your tale kept me enthralled when, normally, things like that would have thrown me out of the story.

    I look forward to the next chapter and all the chapter to come. I pray that you aren't afflicted with writer's block anymore.

    Well done!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review. I really am glad this story is being received well.  My normal grammar beta is off-line. She's the one who usually catches my grammatical and other errors.   Sorry if they pulled you out of the story.



Title: A Patronus 25 Mar 2011 12:08 am
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg. Poor Flint. How sad.

    I hope that he can be with Millie some day again soon. How awful to lose his whole family too.

    I'm glad that some of the Slyterhins are seeing the Dark Lord for what he is.

    Great chappie Tambra. Yeah, stupid writer's block. I hate it, and it's become a familiar companion of late.

    Author's Response:

    Things are going to get  a little hectic from here on out in the story.  I have one or two more chapters to set up the rest of the war, and then... BANG!

     I'm sorry to hear about your WB. I commiserate with you completely.


Title: Chapter 1: Parting 23 Mar 2011 11:28 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    this is very interesting!

    Author's Response:

    If you find it interesting, you might be happy to hear that I have sent a new chapter to my beta just this afternoon.  Thanks for the kind words.


Title: The Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw 12 Jan 2011 12:03 am
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Can't wait to read more! ^_^

    Author's Response:

    thanks for the comment.  I am working on the next chapter as I write... well, not exactly, but you know what I mean!



Title: Reflections 11 Jan 2011 10:35 pm
Reviewer: JMGodfreyIII (Anonymous) [Report This]
    "On one of her many educational holidays to France, there had been a painting of a French soldier from the Napoleonic era in just such a state of repose, his coat and trousers dusty and creased from hours in the saddle, his legs splayed in an attitude of exhausted repose, his expression both weary and alert. Had the clothing on the figure been entirely composed of black wool and white linen, the artist might have painted Snape, with his Gallic colouring and sinisterly hooked nose. "

    Was that a description of an actual painting?

    Author's Response: Yes it was, but it was actually painted much later and not in the Louvre.  It was painted by... I want to say Howard Pyle or possibly Maxfield Parrish... for a children's book.  I don't remember what the name of it was, however.
Title: The Diadem of Rowena Ravenclaw 16 Dec 2010 6:22 pm
Reviewer: Rosa Mundi (Signed) [Report This]
    This is a very good story so far. Saying I'm really enjoying it seems wrong somehow - this is war, dreadful things are happening to people (poor Percy!) - but I am definitely hooked.

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you emoyed what I have written. I hope to have the next chapter out next week.


Title: In the Heart of Slytherin 05 Aug 2010 4:10 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Love the way couples are forming although Ron's relationship is going at a gallop! Thanks for an interesting well developed story

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the kind words.  Ron does seem to be a bit precocious, doesn't he? 


Title: In the Heart of Slytherin 03 Aug 2010 10:57 am
Reviewer: fictionfan (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wow, this story is really coming along.
    Very nice work

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much. 


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