Potions and Snitches
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Reviews For The Final Breeze 2
Title: Chapter 41 – The Duel 18 Dec 2011 11:09 pm
Reviewer: JWOHPfan (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thank you very much for your review! There is a new chapter up!
Title: Chapter 40 – Dueling 14 Nov 2011 3:30 pm
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooh what a horrible brat Victor was

    Author's Response: :D Thank you for your review! There is a new chapter up!
Title: Chapter 40 – Dueling 13 Nov 2011 10:01 pm
Reviewer: Slegend (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed the chapter! I love reading this story.

    I really hope Poppy and Alastor will take Alexandria's advice (Even if she did not tactfully give it) My Degree is in Nutrition.....Forcing a child to eat really will make him/her hate food, and meal times, and it is very old fashion! But I guess that is how Poppy and Alastor are! LOL!

    Looking forward to the next chapter!

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! There is a new chapter up!
Title: Chapter 40 – Dueling 11 Nov 2011 8:18 pm
Reviewer: JWOHPfan (Signed) [Report This]
    So all are characters named Victor arrogant little upstarts? Someone needs to hex the snot out of the little shit, Alastor perhaps????

    Author's Response: :D Thank you for your review! 
Title: Chapter 40 – Dueling 11 Nov 2011 3:45 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    awww in someways they tried to do what was right it could have been worse but they both sort of thought.
    looking forward to more as always

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! There is a new chapter up!
Title: Chapter 39 – Worries 17 Oct 2011 1:11 pm
Reviewer: Nightshade sydneylover150 (Signed) [Report This]
    They are so cute as brothers. More Harry and Severus interaction please? Will they survive the relatives?

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! There are new chapters up!
Title: Chapter 39 – Worries 09 Oct 2011 2:30 am
Reviewer: crazychick84 (Signed) [Report This]
    lol poor Severus, im looking forward to seeing the 2 families :)

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! 
Title: Chapter 39 – Worries 08 Oct 2011 11:07 am
Reviewer: Slegend (Signed) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed this chapter....very humerous.

    They are really meshing as a family now!

    Author's Response: Thank you!
Title: Chapter 39 – Worries 08 Oct 2011 8:59 am
Reviewer: Phoenix1 (Signed) [Report This]
    I am reviewing because I am one of those people who are guilty of enjoying a story but not always leaving comments. I really loved the interactions between the four. The fact that Alastor let Harry know that if he had caught him he would've spanked him, I think let him know that Alastor would treat them equally if they do something dangerous. I am looking forward to reading about the visits as I can see that they could prove very fun to write and read but will wait to see how you do them. As for Poppy, I think when Alastor called her their mother infront of the Severus and he didn't react negatively that was probably the best unexpected Christmas gift Severus could have given her. I hope they would feel the same way about her referring to Alastor as their father. Thanks again for a great story!

    Author's Response: Thank you for your review! There are new chapters up!
Title: Chapter 39 – Worries 08 Oct 2011 8:42 am
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    awww severus i just want to hug you

    awesome job with this

    Author's Response: Thanks!

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