Reviews For A Serpent in Lion's Clothing
I have a feeling that Harry might not be though! Looking forward to more! Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I was kind of unsure when writing if I should have Minerva fight for Harry or not. I might revist that in a later chapter because Minerva doesn't seem to be the type of woman who lets things go that easily. I'm currently working on the fourth chapter right now. It should be up today (3/13) sometime.
Nice start to this story! Author's Response: I agree with you. I think they would definitely do well together. I'll try to update as soon as I can. Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: I'm glad you're enjoying it. I'll definitely try to update as soon as I can. Thanks for your review.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: Honestly, I haven't gotten the foggiest idea what's going to happen. I might turn this into a Snape vs. Dumbledore story because we don't really get enough of those, but I truly do not know. I do know that I loved writing this second chapter because it's so different from what I usually write. I'll try to update as soon as possible. Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: I hadn't thought about writing another chapter, but I am now. If I can find some time, I'll definitely write some more. Thank you for your review, hawkswench.
Nyx :) Author's Response: I hadn't thought about adding more chapters to it, but I'm definitely thinking about it now. If I can get some free time, I'll try to write another chapter. Thanks, Nyx.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review, KKJ. |
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