The conversation between Snape and Harry was interesting though I was surprised that Severus allowed Harry to call him Snape and didn't insist on being called Professor Snape.
Author's Response: I think he had his mind on other things. Or that's my excuse. :D Thanks.
Good for Sinistra. Harry was definitely out of line with that comment.
Author's Response: Thanks.
Good starting chapter. I enjoyed the mental picture of Snape covered in various potion colors. Harry may not have been interested in finding out if Severus was a vampire but he is sure to want to find out whatever Sev's 'dirty little secret' is.
Author's Response: Thank you.
Title: All the Things that Truly Matter in Life
| 02 Aug 2011 9:35 am
Reviewer: Samantha Hebert (Anonymous)
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it is a really cool story. it has alot of twists to it. to bad snape is not a vampire it would make it more interesting. it is also funny that snape even says he is having an afare with the astronimy professor.
Author's Response: It did have a lot of twists, didn't it? Thank you very much for the review. I appreciate it.
I'm glad that they both know the truth of how they became related. It will help them with their developing relationship. I hope that they will be able to prevent everything that went wrong the first time around. Wonderful Story!
Author's Response: Thanks, silverstar. I'm glad you liked it. I might do a sequel...possibly...I don't know. I've got an idea for one, but I don't know if I should or not. Thanks again. :)
Severus definitely is beginning to accept (deep down inside) that, even though it's impossible (at least according to him), Harry is his son. All the feelings are there, he just has to realize it. It's really sad that sometimes it takes a terrible thing happening for emotions to be clear. I hope that Harry will be okay. By the way, I completely agree with everything Poppy said! It was extremely irresponsible of Minerva, Albus, and Severus to allow Harry to play Quiddich for the team at his age and lack of experience.
Author's Response: Poppy's little rant actually was something that I always wanted to write. I'm glad you agree with her points. :) And he is accepting it more every day. Thanks for the review, and enjoy the ending. :)
I kind of expected Harry to end up being Severus' son, so that was no surprise. Severus' reaction, however, was surprisingly juvenile, though, I suppose, it's understandable. Severus will need time to absorb this information. He claims he was never intimate with Lily, so is there another explanation for the results?
Author's Response: There is another explanation that I've kind of given already, but I am going to restate it. :) I thought about how Snape would react, and I had already had him acting like that earlier when Harry brought it up, so I decided to keep with it. Thanks for the review. :) I'll have another chapter up tonight sometime.
I wonder what conclusion Harry will come to about his questions? I know that he feels guilty in a way about finding the thought of having a living parent attractive, but really who can blame him? There is nothing wrong with that wish and I don't think Lily or James would blame him for it. I hope that Harry won't let the negative reactions of a few Gryffindors influence him unduly. If they can't accept the idea of him as Severus' son, instead of James' (no matter which is true), then they aren't really his friends at all. It isn't his job to make everyone else happy, after all.
Author's Response: I promise that we'll see it in the next chapter. I think this Harry won't think of it in those terms, concerning the other Gryffindors. I think he'll know that as long as he has Ron and Hermione, he'll be fine. I think Harry's more concerned with what to do with Snape once he finds out the truth. Snape definitely is rather insistent that he can't be Harry's father. You're definitely right. It should never be Harry's job to make others happy. Thanks for the review. :)
A simple test will prove if Harry's suspicion is right, so I wonder if they will actually do the test? Or will Dumbledore know the truth and tell Severus? No matter what something is going on and both Harry and Severus are central to it.
Author's Response: Madam Pomfrey is currently running the test in the chapter. The results just haven't came yet. Thanks for the review. :)
Title: Unbelievable
| 14 May 2010 2:26 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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I hope Snape acknowledges harry soon. Enjoy the story, please post soon!
Author's Response: I'll try to post as soon as possible. I'm glad you're enjoying the story, and thanks for the review. :)