Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I really enjoyed wri ting that conversation; I drew upon an observation by JK Rowling that Dumbledore did not know about the room of requirement. In the canon, Dumbledore is often almost omniscient and I thought it would be fun to depict him as being not 'in the know' for once.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I think Hissy, as a grounded, astute and kindly male presence, just spells out safety to Harry and, of course, after a millenia of mentoring wizards and witches, the basilisk knows how to behave around children.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Harry's first year in Slytherin was really wonderful to write; to mix metaphors, keeping all the balls in the air certainly kept me on my toes lol!
Author's Response: Thanks :)
Author's Response: Thank you :)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I must admit, this chapter was one of my absolute favourites to write; I'd had it planned for ages but, of course, I had to get all the elements there before I could set events in motion. Peter certainly should have considered that Slytherins might keep snakes!
Author's Response: Thanks :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I thought it would be a nicely symbolic event; Flossie giving birth just as Harry was on the cusp of a new, happier life
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thank you :) |
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