Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: A Slither of Snakes 22 Jun 2010 2:50 am
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    I LOVE Reggie! ^^ He's so much fun! Poor Hedwig, though. LOL Ne'er another moment's peace for the poor dear.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^. Reggie is a typical Python-type snake; very sweet, affectionate and gentle. I've made him especially outgoing to compliment Harry, who is quite a shy boy. However, for Hedwig, this is a bit of a headache lol! However, she gets some good news soon.
Title: Uroborus 21 Jun 2010 9:14 am
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    I like the little cottage! Also, I love how you have depicted everyone. This is really an enjoyable tale. ^^

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad that you're enjoying it. Urobrus is one of my favourite inventions; it's such a calm, natural, well-loved house.
Title: The Dying of the Light. 20 Jun 2010 8:14 pm
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    Wanted to stop right now, while I think of it, and leave a quick review as I will no doubt be so absorbed in the tale as to forget until I reach the end.

    An excellent start - I just know I'll love where you went with this. Men aren't the only ones capable of cruelty, after all. Women can be just as cruel, sometimes even moreso.

    And now, I'm eagerly off to see what happens next... Wonderfully writ, so far! ^^

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you've enjoyed the first chapter and grateful for the review; it really means a lot to me when people do :) I hope you continue to enjoy the story. 

Title: Epilogue 12 Jun 2010 12:05 am
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    As I haven't started Inverted, I vote for Pegasus!

    Wonderful story, by the way.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ glad you enjoyed it
Title: Uroborus 10 Jun 2010 10:00 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    It's odd how often school-aged figures in stories get depressed on or around my birthday...
    I'm glad you've mad so many people glad with this story but the frequent updates, but your Order of the Pegasus was what first attracted me to your writting

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Harry becomes depressed at this time because a. he has been taught to loathe himself and b. as he is no longer in fear of punishment, his wounded psyche decides to 'punish' itself.

    As I got more involved with writing 'WBCI', I developed writers-block for OotPegasus and, as the latter has a very complex plot, I decided that it'd be better to wait until I could do a good job then struggle through the block before I'd got everything ordered in my mind. However, I'm in the process of writing a chapter at the moment. I'm really sorry for the delay and I'm glad you enjoyed reading the story 

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Harry becomes depressed at this time because a. he has been taught to loathe himself and b. as he is no longer in fear of punishment, his wounded psyche decides to 'punish' itself.

    As I got more involved with writing 'WBCI', I developed writers-block for OotPegasus and, as the latter has a very complex plot, I decided that it'd be better to wait until I could do a good job then struggle through the block before I'd got everything ordered in my mind. However, I'm in the process of writing a chapter at the moment. I'm really sorry for the delay and I'm glad you enjoyed reading the story 
Title: Potions Prodigy 10 Jun 2010 7:41 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    I found all the mythology and Biblical stuff facinating. Oh and did you know that the passage that says something about not letting a witch suffer life would actually be translated to not letting a drug-dealer suffer life? It was King James' fear of witches that made the translators use the term witch? I got that from the History channel or something like that so I trust the source.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review. That's the problem with the Bible: half of it's missing and the other half is often ambiguously phrased, leading to mistranslations. However, the Magical Population would take the modern translation at face value: just because their persecutors might have been mistaken, that doesn't make the brutal, sadistic murder of millions of muggles (and a number of mages- see JKR's book on Beedle the Bard) permissable. Besides the Old Testiment is worrying enough: Exodus: 22:18, 23:24, 31:14, Leviticus: 18:22, 20:13, 20:27, 20:16-23, 25:44-46, Genesis: 3:16, Acts: 3:23, Romans: 1:26-28, 1:31-32, 16:17, Corinthians: 6:9-10 and Galatians: 5:20-21.

    P.S. I don't think James I (who lived in the 16th Century) was the first to mistranslate the Bible; in the Holy Roman Emporor Charlemagne's time (Eighth Century), witch-hunting was such a problem that he legislated that anyone who accused or killed a person on the grounds that they were a witch would suffer the same penalty as witches. It was a pretty good policy; once a couple of witch-hunters/accusers are put to death, the number of 'witches' decreases dramatically lol!
Title: Epilogue 25 May 2010 5:02 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    It was a totally wonderful story. I loved it! I like your writing style, plot, characters, everything. Thanks! Mila

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you enjoyed it :) Some people have already nominated WBCI for featured status so here's hoping!


Title: Epilogue 25 May 2010 2:00 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm sorry I'm so late in reviewing this chapter but I've been busy with school and work. Thank you so much for this delightful epilogue. I really loved seeing the boys meeting their parents but the part that was the best of all was this: Whilst they wait for their treacle tart, Harry notices, for the first time, that a new set of lines have been indented into his father’s face; around Severus’ mouth, smiles have carved their signatures and the skin at the corners of his eyes is crinkled. That once pale, gaunt, anxious countenance has tanned, filled out, positively glows with happiness..." I admitthat I was crying a little at reading that description of Severus because that's how we all want to see him!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review; I'm really glad you liked the epilogue- I wanted to leave the story on a high note, despite the tragedy. (Also I thought a little 'snapshots' style epilogue would echo the first chapter nicely.) I'm happy the description of Severus sounded right; I didn't want to over-do it but, I thought, showing Harry that, in adopting him, Severus' life had also changed for the better was a good way to finish :)

Title: One for All and All for One! 22 May 2010 7:12 pm
Reviewer: al (Anonymous) [Report This]
    what a great ending to peter pettigrew! and very believable. thanks for sharing.

    Author's Response: Thanks: Peter Pettigrew's death was one of the events that I'd planned from almost the very beginning and I'm really glad it was well recieved. He lived like a rat and died like a rat ;)
Title: Epilogue 22 May 2010 1:02 pm
Reviewer: Jessica (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really enjoyed your story. It actually took me less time to read it then I thought it would.

    The way that you portray Parseltongue is really good, i like that the snakes have their own sayings.

    I cant wait for the next installment.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the reveiw. I really enjoyed writing the Parseltongue so I'm glad so many people seem to like my portrayal of it :)

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