Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Thanks for the review :) I'm really glad that you're enjoying it!
Author's Response: Thanks ^^: I thought it'd be more Severus's style to inflict psychological punishments.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review ^^ I'm glad you found it moving
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you are enjoying it.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, the abuse is over, however Harry's not home and dry.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I know, I felt rather sad when I uploaded the last chapter. Still, I know there will be a sequel and, mentally, I'm trying to plot it out now. The title will probably be 'Harry Potter and the Ex-Prisoner of Azkaban ;)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I know, I've really been neglecting that fic; my mind was just so full of WtBCI that I ended up getting writer's block over OotPegasus. However, I've decided to try to work on both fics as so many people have expressed interest and I wouldn't want to dissapoint anyone!
Author's Response: Thank you. I'm really glad that you've enjoyed it ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I really wanted to end the year on a hopeful note and I'm glad you liked it. |
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