Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Thanks for the review and the compliment ^^ I'm going to update another chapter of OotPegasus soon (I hope) but I've got loads of work to do on my challenge fest entry. I'm really glad you've enjoyed this fic.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm so glad that you've enjoyed it and thank you for all your reviews: I really appreciated that you took time to review every chapter :)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm very pleased to hear that you've enjoyed it :)
As to what story you should work on, I don't know. I really like both of them and really couldn't choose. My suggestion is for you to choose the one that is calling you the most. Author's Response: Thanks ^^ My father used to play Tom Lehrer when he drove us to/picked us up from school so I thought it'd be fun to give this memory to Severus and Harry (I can imagine the dry sarcasm of Lehrer would appeal to a man like Severus). Thanks for the advice (which is very sound) and for all your reviews; I've very much enjoyed reading them :)
I hope we will get to see everyone back for year two soon. I know I, for one, will be awaiting the sequel. Very well done!!! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you enjoyed WtBCI and my portrayal of the Malfoys: I tried to take what we know of them from the canon and develop it in an environment where Harry is first an ally to be gained, then their son's best-friend who they, by extention, love and protect. I'm really pleased with Severus' development too and I'm glad it came across as realistic. Thanks :)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you did :) Thanks for all your reviews and I promise the sequel won't be too far into the future.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm so glad that reading it's brought you pleasure and been something to look forward to; I promise that, once my Challenge Fest entry's finished, I'll get back on a regular update schedule ^^
And I'd like to read more of HP and the Order of the Pegasus ;) Author's Response: Thanks: I'm really glad you liked it :) I'm going to update OotPegasus soon, I hope, but I'm way behind on my Challenge Fest fic!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review: I've got another chapter for Inverted on the drawing board so, hopefully, I'll find time to write it up soon ^^
Thanks for the final update. I'll be anxiously awaiting the sequel. Author's Response: Thank you. I know, I always felt so sorry for Harry at the end of each of the canon books: this summer is going to have it's trials and tribulations but it's going to be a lot happier- and safer- than Harry's summer in the canon. |
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