Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
thanks for the update. Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm glad you like my portrayal of Blaise; the canon character is a real gift to any fanfic writer as 1. we only see him in book 6 and, secondly, we're only given snippets of information, both of which grant a writer a great deal of scope for developing his personality because, of course, what he is at 15/16 isn't what he was as an impressionable 11 year old. Blaise is one of my favorite characters to write: he's inspired a little by Oscar Wilde, who was a very kind man with a dry, cutting wit.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, I know the situation with Hermione was upsetting and I really was in two minds whether to plot the fic that way. However, it was necessary for the next story in the series. I'm glad this chapter raised the tone a little; I didn't want to end the story on a sad note.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Looking forward to the next chapter! Author's Response: Thanks for the review ^^. Yes, Harry's next summer should be very interesting indeed ^^.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm glad my portrayal of mourning seems realistic and, you're right, Hermione will find many positive distractions from her grief. Jean, whose husband was her only relative (other than Hermione) and closest friend, is definately going to feel the pinch more: she is no longer safe in her hometown and Voldemort, if he rises again, could find her in an instant unless she bases herself at Uroborus. However, there is a muggle boy, a de facto orphan, who needs a home to come back to during the school year...
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm actually ending this story where J. K. Rowling ended her first book- I'm just working on the final chapter- and, therefore, Sirius isn't going to appear until the next in the series. The reason for this is simple; after Azkaban, Sirius needs serious medical attention before he even enters counselling and, naturally, the Healers (and Dumbledore) don't want him to jeapodise his relationship with Harry: if Sirius contacts Harry before he's mentally fit, he'll more-likely-than-not say or do something foolish, which will engender mistrust and bad feelings. (In the canon, Sirius is rather disturbed when we're introduced to him and, later on in the books, often seems a little immature, volatile and often appears to consider Harry a mini-James.) Because I don't want to go down the path you've mentioned, I decided to delay Sirius' entry until the next fic.
Author's Response: Thank you, I'm really glad that you enjoyed reading it ^^.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you're enjoying it and that you like my portrayal of Slytherin and Hissy :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review ^^. Lol! No, the spelling, gramatical mistakes are purely intentional- or I'd have quietly nipped in and corrected them as I usually do!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, it's going to be a long road to recovery and they'll always miss William but their friends will be there for them and help them forge a future. |
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