Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
I will look forward to the next chapter! Author's Response: As in the canon, Voldemort fled his host before the venom could destroy him, so no luck there, I'm afraid. However, that did give Quirrell a chance to plead his innocence. I'm afraid I can't answer your last question, as that information might be considered a 'spoiler' lol! Thanks for the review.
Update soon! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you enjoy it. Just to mystify you further, I can tell you that Harry won't be in as much trouble as he anticipates, but that will be cold comfort.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review, I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
Will Harry's tears save Quirrell? I feel it would be a wonderful thing if they do, as it appears that Quirrell might not have been as willing as some might think. It would probably lesson the trauma that Harry will suffer from this confrontation as well. Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Without the Dagger, which bore the same stones, metal and insignia as Slytherin's locket, the interview with Voldemort would probably have been somewhat similar to that of the canon; despite the provocation, gaining the Philosopher's Stone was Quirrell's first object, so he would have ignored Harry then, on Voldemort's suggestion, forced the child to look into the mirror. Harry, having gained the Stone, would have tried to escape, Quirrell would have pursued him and, Hissy, having heard the commotion, would arrive in the room in time to save Harry. However, the Dagger bought Harry a lot of time and, thereby, allowed him to learn a little about Voldermort, who did his level best to gain Harry as an ally. Moreover, the dagger showed Voldemort that Harry was Slytherin's chosen heir and that, within Hogwarts, Harry has both the basilisk and Slytherin on his side.
Thanks for the speedy update. I enjoyed the chapter immensely. Author's Response: Thanks. I adore snakes and it's really interesting, once you spend time with them, to see how they react to events and interact with people. Far from being cold, slimy and dishonest, they're very straightforward, affectionate and beautiful creatures ^^. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it: the end of the six trials (Reaching the Corridor, Fluffy, Devil's Snare, Keys, Chess and Potions- troll doesn't really count as he was knocked out), seemed a natural place to break off and it coincided with the canon nicely. I agree; Lucius and Severus will be most displeased by the children's heroics. Slytherins tend to consider the word 'hero' to be synonymous with 'idiot' lol!
“Well I think it was a very good idea” snapped Draco “It was one of mine, after all.” Hehe - too funny! I hope Harry will be ok in your version too! Can't wait for the next chapter! Author's Response: Thanks for the review; there's something about children and swords; I'm reminded of a beautiful quote from 'Hogfather', by Terry Pratchett; "“You can’t give her that!” she [the mother] screamed. “It’s not safe!” IT’S A SWORD, said the Hogfather. THEY’RE NOT MEANT TO BE SAFE. “She’s a child!” shouted Crumley. IT’S EDUCATIONAL. “What if she cuts herself?” THAT WILL BE AN IMPORTANT LESSON."
He has to do everything with style (and swagger)! Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yup, I think the best adjective for Draco is 'flashy': he loves to look impressive. However, I think when he realised just whose sword he has been showing off with, he might lose a little swagger lol!
I wanted to shake my head when Draco made his selection of weapon, but I kind of expected that at least one of the children would choose one that was inappropriate. I have a feeling that the dagger that Harry chose was the perfect choice and I cannot wait to see how it will help him in this quest that he has so foolishly (but I do admit, understandably) taken on. I just hope that all will turn out alright in the end. Author's Response: Thanks. Draco is very image conscious and, therefore, a big flashy sword is, naturally, the ideal choice- in his eyes at least. The Dagger is important but you'll just have to wait for tonight's chapter to discover why ;)
Looking forward to more! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying it :) I think that the children in this fic will recieve rather sterner punishments than the canon lol! |
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