Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Given what we know of Professor Kettleburn, I thought he sounded very much a kindred spirit to Hagrid and, as he is a Professor, he'd have the necessary leverage to pull the kids from their lessons. I'm glad you approve of the name; I thought that the etymology was very fitting whilst, contrariwise, the name, itself, is rather more evocative of a cute kitten or white mouse than a grumpy, black-scaled dragon. I just hope for everyone's sake that Hagrid doesn't tie blue ribbons around her horns ;)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
It's really sweet how Hagrid is with is 'daughter' and Belinda is a much nicer name than Norbert (no offense meant to Hagrid, of course). Having Severus and Harry around is sure to help ensure that Belinda has many more years to come at Hogwarts, as they will help keep her under control. Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I think that, amid the ambitous Slytherins and with Severus as his dad, Harry's going to reach his full potential academically. I don't fancy being Quirrell during his post-report encounter with Severus ;) I was never too fond of 'Norbert' either, it's connotations definately do not suggest a regal, powerful, sleek, rare dragon, quite the opposite in fact. On the other hand, Belinda, while somewhat more regal, is evocative of pretty, sweet-as-sugar girls, which Hagrid, naturally, considers a fitting description of his dragon ^^.
Kids are resilient. I'm sure that even Harry felt that he would never get over the separation from Toby, but in his heart he knows that it wasn't permanent and he has his friends to play with, so all is well. Author's Response: Thanks for the review ^^. Toby is definately going to teach Harry to tidy his room lol: there's nothing like discovering that your dog has eaten your trainers, bag, book or, in my case, CD to remind you that things should be put away safely in their respective cupboards. The chocolate scare is doubly potent as Toby could have died. Harry, of course, is going to feel incredibly sad every time he has to say goodbye to Toby but, unlike most kids who say goodbye to their larger pets for whole terms, Harry has all the luck of having a father living at Hogwarts, meaning that Toby can stay with his other family during the day but spend the evenings with Severus and Harry.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks: I wanted it to be a long one seeing as I'd not updated for a while. I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter. Puppies are both adorable and extremely frustrating and, more often or not, people and dogs only perfect their understanding of each other towards after six or so years, by which time the dog (if it's a larger breed) is starting to slip into old age.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. A large number of substances are poisonous in high enough quantity, including oxygen. Naturally, different animals have different sensitivities, which is why dogs shouldn't be given 'human food'- not because they don't deserve it but because it's not always safe for them. Toby is useful for Harry because, unlike Reggie, who is bidable, with simple needs, and Hedwig, who is pre-trained and independant, Toby a. requires training, b. has complex needs and c. doesn't understand what is good for him; like most dogs, he'd happily eat himself into an early grave. Therefore, Harry must learn to be responsible for someone other than himself.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it. |
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