Wow! When Peter entered the Slytherin common room, I wondered how long it would take for the snakes to discover him. I thought the rat would be eaten but this was so much better. Reggie shrieking "Cobra in the nest" was a wonderful warning. Severus was in for a big surprise when he appeared.
I am always intrigued by Christmas (or Yule)chapters. Authors come up with the most unusual presents. I liked Hagrid's snake flute that made a hissing sound.
Sounds like Albus has been expecting the adoption for some time. Good for Severus. Harry has to be thrilled. Spending Christmas at the Malfoy home is an interesting twist.
I like the personalities you developed for the Slytherins. It did seem like Harry was a good influence, especially on Draco. In canon, I always felt we saw the worst side of all the Slytherins and that among themselves they probably reacted differently than they might with students of other houses.
I wondered if Hedwig and Xiao would end up as mates. It will be fun to find out what the owlets look like. Harry must have been happy that Severus was allowed to take a break from his classes to take care of him.
Hahahahaha! Dad, everyone is getting a snake and I need one, too, and it has to be better than everyone else's!
The snakes were fun. I wondered which Harry would pick. Reggie sounds like he will be a good friend to Harry.
Salazar is certainly a character. He is going to drive Petunia nuts. I found the idea of the locket to be a good one. That way Slytherin will be able to keep a close eye on Harry.
I enjoyed the conversation between Harry and Salazar. It was a neat idea to have the portrait comfort him and I liked the parseltongue usage. Hopefully, the portrait will help lay some of Harry's fears to rest.
The memory of Slytherin was interesting. Having the former Basilisks donate memories to help future students was a neat idea. It may take some time for Harry to believe that he didn't deserve his treatment. Sev has a long road ahead of him.