Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Yup, you're completely correct (which I can now reveal as the next chapter is out). When I was planning this scene, I realised that Harry's immunity to the venom did not equate to voldemort being immune and, indeed, the basilisk's magic would attack Voldemort's soul viciously as he was an 'enemy'. So, the horcrux is dead and Harry doesn't have to risk his life to get rid of it.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review: I know, sorry: the chapters in this fic seem to fall into bitesized pieces rather than great long chapters. However, I hope the fact that I update almost daily helps :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review: I know, evil cliffhanger but (as you now know) it was to his benefit ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I also thought they made the poor creature too ugly; with but one exception (the fer-de-lance) Snakes are very beautiful creatures and, more often than not, gentle with it.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review; yu, there's a whole can of worms open. Like Terry Pratchett, I think that many stories forget that people don't spend all of their time wafting on a cloud of angst; to live we must eat and, therefore, cooking must turn up sooner or later. Besides, Snape, as Potions Master must be a good cook lol!
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you're enjoying it
Sounds like Harry is about to get a puppy. I'm not at all surprised that Harry chose the runt of the litter. His empathy is one reason, as he would never wish any creature to feel unwanted. Another is that a less boisterous puppy, which on the shy side, is more suited to his personality. I hope that Severus listened carefully to what Lucius told him. Harry loves his father and would never choose Sirius over him. Besides, Sirius will hardly be ready psychologically to care for a child after spending years in Azkaban. It will take time for him to heal from the cruel atmosphere that he has only just left. Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, there are a myriad of good reasons for doing this (including one which I'm keeping to myself for the moment ;) but Severus will always worry over Harry: Severus is a pessamist and, therefore, will be on tenterhooks every time Harry does anything even remotely risky. The shy, gentle puppy is a much less worrying option lol! Lucius's advice is good but, naturally, Severus will continue to fear: like Harry, he needs his worth proved to him and it will take time for these worries to fade. (Sirius, of course, is in no fit state to care for himself, let alone Harry.)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review: Harry, of course, loves Severus very much so he is definately not going to abandon his new father but, unfortunately, Severus is rather paranoid.
LMAO... that's the best line EVER! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you liked it :) |
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