Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Ah! I needed a name for Theo's snake: Sssokratesss issss perfect!
Author's Response: Slytherin was well into his second childhood when he named his Basilisk lol!
Author's Response: Well, I think that a spell like that would drain Harry a little but, one must remember, in the canon children seem to be capable of accidental magic which apes the more advanced spells: vanishing a vast pane of glass at the zoo, cushioning charms, possibly even apperation (Harry did end up on top of the school without knowing how he got there.) Therefore, I imagine casting such a spell would probably wind Harry for a minute or so but not exhaust him. I also imagine that, after meeting the Cerberus, Harry was running on pure adrenaline for half and hour lol! Thanks for the review!
Author's Response: Thanks: I thought that, with such a bright group, it would be a shame not to give them a challenge!
I hope that the kids won't abuse the room too much. I am glad that they figured out how to get it to work correctly. Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thank you: this one took quite a while to write so I'm glad that it's been enjoyed ^^
Author's Response: Thank you ^^ I wanted to interduce the children to the cerberus in a unique way so I thought that the Room of Requirement might be fun ^^ Yup, all the kids are being honed into Slytherins: cunning, ambitious and practical. Poor old Severus lol!
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thank you: I hope you'll continue to enjoy it ^^
Author's Response: Thanks: it's very ooc, I know, but I think it makes Harry's situation more tragic because there's so many more 'might have beens' |
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