Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
I would have read and reviewed last night but I was at the emergency room after a fall. No broken bones thank goodness, just a sprained wrist and knee, but I sure could use one of Professor Snape's healing potions and bruise salve. Your story makes me smile and since smiling produces endorphins I'm feeling better already. Again bravissimi and thanks for the quick update. Author's Response: Sorry to hear about your accident: having sprained my wrist twice in the last ten years I can fully sympathise. (Unlike Harry, I genuinely was clumsy lol) I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter ^^.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks: I tend to keep the chapters short because that means I can update every night. Also, I find my plot seems to rather naturally fall into smallish segments: every chapter feels complete at a certain stage, whether it's 500 words or 5000 and, with this fic, I tend to find chapters feel 'finished' at around the 2000 word mark
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
I'm glad that Harry seems to be finding little rays of sunshine in his days at school. I know that there will be times when the clouds and rain come, but treasuring those little rays will make his days bright. Great chapter! Author's Response: Yes, I agree. There's also the fact that Hydrophis Becheri are, in reality, exceptionally friendly creatures and I, personally, wouldn't mind sharing a pool with a tame one lol! That said, if I were headmaster, I might feel it prudent to take Lucius's suggestions with a pinch of salt: the poor man might be harangued into advocating something like his son must eat ice-cream for every meal!
I really love the developing relationship between Severus and Harry, and Harry's friendships with his yearmates. Looking forward to the next chapter! Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Salazar's one of my favourite characters in this fic; he's the typical naughty old man lol.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I hope you continue to enjoy it: I have a few more surprises in store before Harry's term ends ;)
Author's Response: Thank you ^^
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. To be honest, every animal bites, whether you have a rabbit, a dog, a horse, they'll always be that risk. I've been bitten by Arrow and, quite truthfully, I've recieved worse wounds off my dwarf rabbit lol! (Admittedly, Arrow wasn't going for me, he was going for my dumb brother who had just darted forward and kissed him rather roughly on the nose. Not unreasonably, Arrow saw this as an attack and I flung my hand out in front of my brother's face.) Additionally, most medium-sized animals can kill humans, particularly pets like dogs and parrots. However, I wouldn't reccommend a snake as a pet for a young child, mainly because I wouldn't trust the kids. However, as the HP universe is strongly magical and the canon Constrictor in 'Philosopher's Stone' is shown to be intelligent, I'm going to have parselmouth-trained snakes as being considered by the magical community as reasonably safe pets for 11 year olds. (It's necessary for the plot lol)
Author's Response: Thanks: I'm glad you're enjoying it |
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