Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 28 Mar 2010 1:11 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Loved the letters. Looking forward to seeing Harry and Sev at the Malfoys at christmas. OK, please have sev say no to dracos snake. And your right, Lucius spoils Draco, please post soon!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Lucius and Draco are two of my favourite characters to write; they love each other dearly but they're not above a little manipulation lol!
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 28 Mar 2010 1:07 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed)
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I should be asleep as it is 1 a.m. where I live but I just got back from an S.C.A. event and found your update when I went to check my email. So of course I had to read it. I am literally howling with laughter over this chapter's correspondence. I especially liked Draco's writing his Mum when Dad said "no". Typical of a kid, as were his justifications for getting a cobra. What Blaise did was truly devastatingly Slytherin and I can just imagine the stuff that was going on "behind the scenes" of these letters, both at Hogwarts and at the Malfoy residence. It's a good thing that both Lucius and Narcissa's hair is so fair as their darling son is likely to turn them prematurely grey with demandsfor things like one of the most venomous snakesin the world.
Arrow sounds like a lovely snake. I wish I could meet him (and you!) in person.
Again, bravi, bravi, bravissimi!
Author's Response: Thanks: yes, that's the best thing about letters- they give you a better insight into the characters private-lives as well as a better knowledge of their personality. I think Draco is definately going to send his parents a few shades lighter before the end of this fic lol!
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 28 Mar 2010 12:20 am
Reviewer: Stefunny2010 (Signed)
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Haha, I loved how Lucius said he and Dracos' mom had grown fond of him over the years! I also really liked how Blaise would tell Draco to get a Black Mamba, and with some of his following Harry's example I think it might give Harry some more confidence, that his friends want to do or have what he is doing, or has. Great update! I cant wait to see how Christmas could play out:)
Author's Response: Christmas should be fun, lol! However, I have lots planned before this term ends ;)
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 27 Mar 2010 10:58 pm
Reviewer: malimed (Anonymous)
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only a spoiled eleven year old . . .
this was quite funny. i've enjoyed all of the malfoy's correspondence, but this is by far the best. very clever. i especially like the letter to blaise. it seemed like lucius wasn't sure if he should be scolding or congratulating!
Author's Response: Yes, I think Lucius has a 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me' mentality and, while feeling sorry for poor, gullable Draco, he definately admire's Blaise's naughty but nice wit ^^
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 27 Mar 2010 8:43 pm
Reviewer: Slythindor (Signed)
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OMG I LAUGHED until I cried!!! My husband did also although our two year old was looking at us as if we had lost our marbles!! I loved the letters and cannot wait until Severus's reply!
Author's Response: Lol! My parrot did the same whilst I was giggling over this chapter: he was like "why are you laughing at those squiggles? Stupid human" ^^ I love writing Lucius and Draco and I'm glad you found it funny too.
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 27 Mar 2010 6:43 pm
Reviewer: omega13a (Signed)
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Lucius does spoil Draco but at least Lucius knows how to say no. It must have been difficult for him to admit he agrees with Dumbledore about students not being allowed to keep cobras or any other dangerous species of snakes as pets. Anyways, keep up the good work!
Author's Response: I imagine that it would pain Lucius to agree with Dumbledore about anything lol! However, his son is always his first priority and Lucius will do anything to keep him happy and safe- even if it means endorcing Dumbledore's rules.
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 27 Mar 2010 6:03 pm
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous)
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Invasion of snakes... Gryffindors will be very happy! =D
Author's Response: Yup, it's going to be fun in the Serpents' Nest ^^
First, I'm going to go ahead and apologize for not reviewing previous chapters. Let's face it, I'm just your typical lazy reader. XP
Can I just say that I love, love, love these letters?! As this story is for the most part, dark, the letters are perfect! I hope you write more in the future!
Author's Response: Thanks: I really enjoy writing the letters although I do tend to spend about 20% of the time writing the first draft and 80% revising/editing it lol! In the canon, J.K. Rowling mentions Draco regularly receiving owls from his parents so I thought that it'd be fun to have a few of them as interludes; firstly, they allow me to lay down information and, secondly, they do, as you say, provide a bit of fluffiness in a somewhat gritty plot. It's great to know that they're enjoyed.
I have to admit that this sharing of letters made me laugh. Don't you just love the logic of children? Well, it sounds like the dungeons are about to be overrun with snakes...fitting. :D
Great chapter!
Author's Response: Yes, children are invariably funny when they're trying to manipulate their parents into buying them something unsuitable. (Draco will never outsmart Lucius but, as he has his father by the heartstrings, the little brat invariably gets his own way lol.)
Title: Interlude 5: Daddy Wouldn't Buy Me A Cobra
| 27 Mar 2010 5:15 pm
Reviewer: AchillesMonkey (Anonymous)
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Lol! I am loving Draco and his relationship with his parents. Of course he wants the toughest snake around. Thanks for the update!
Author's Response: Yup, it's one of those inevitables; if one kid in a class has a goldfish, the next will want a siamese fighting fish and there's always one who will bully his indulgent parents into getting him a piranha...