Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Author's Response: Thanks. Given that Harry's a parselmouth, it makes sence, doesn't it? I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy the plot
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Sal's a great name but, as Harry already has one Sal in his life, I think that I might allocate this name to another child's snake ;) Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Sal's a great name but, as Harry already has one Sal in his life, I think that I might allocate this name to another child's snake ;)
I like the inclusion of lesser used characters such as Salazar(great interaction with Harry in this chapter) and Burbage. I love that 11 year old Harry is still very much a child, as he should be, and that you've succeeded in giving each of the first year Slytherins a distinct character. And Snape is the stuff of dreams! I hope you'll continue to divulge snippets (or chunks) from his past. I'm enjoying the details like the NHS glasses (hated them) and the blue and white striped china. Also (no disrepect meant to anyone) it's an extra treat that you write in British English so that every word means exactly what I expect it to mean! In fact I can't think of anything I don't like about this story so far. I just hope its going to be a long one. Author's Response: Thanks ^^: I'm really glad you're enjoying this fic and I hope you continue to do so. I really wanted to get the atmosphere of a 1990's, British childhood and the devil really is in the detail lol. I'm glad you like my little Slytherins: I wanted them all to be individual but not too stereotyped and, of course, reconcilable with canon to an extent. I've always loved Snape, in canon, he always reminded me a little of one of my friends: although he can be spiky and is scarily intelligent, underneith that is sweetness, loyalty and deep emotion.
Author's Response: Like all the other characters, Lucius is a 'shade of grey', albiet a slightly darker one. My Lucius is very similar to canon Lucius: he's self-interested, manipulative, bigoted and ruthless, whilst being an indulgent, loving father who puts his family first. (In reality, people are able to compartmentalise the world into 'person' and 'unperson': while 'people' are treated kindly, those who fall into the 'unperson' group are generally held to be unworthy of compassion, rights or even life. This is why people who would refuse to eat horse happily eat beef; horses are no more pretty, intelligent or affectionate but they are 'person', whereas cows are 'unperson'.) Thanks for the compliments: I'm really pleased that you're enjoying this fic.
Author's Response: Thank you: Parseltongue is going to be a minor theme throughout both my fics so I'm glad to know that readers are enjoying hearing it.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you're enjoying it
Author's Response: I'm glad you enjoyed it ^^
Great chapter! Author's Response: Thank you. I really appreciate it when readers regularly review as it allows me to see what themes/characters are most enjoyed ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks for the review (and, yes, being a Potions Master is probably the most stressful job in the universe lol!) |
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