Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Parties and Parselmouths 24 Mar 2010 11:09 pm
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh this was the best chapter of them all! I love Slytherin's speech andidioms. My heart is full to bursting with the emotion your writing has engendered and I find myself smiling at the mental image of Harry and Slytherin both sleeping in the sunlight. Bravissimi!

    Author's Response: Thank you: it is wonderful to know that you are enjoying this story (And, I must admit, I got rather tearful over this chapter too)
Title: Parties and Parselmouths 24 Mar 2010 11:02 pm
Reviewer: Stefunny2010 (Signed) [Report This]
    It does make sense that English schools have a half term break, I dont know what I would do if American schools didnt get Thanksgiving break, too much school is never a good thing;)
    Anyway, I really liked this chapter! I loved how you incorporated that part about Dumbledore and his cold look because of what Ron had said, great!
    Harry acts exactly how I imagine any child, that has been through what he has, would act. Especially the part about not wanting to share Snape, priceless:)
    About Harry speaking with the portrait, I loved how he was able to get rid of his insecurities, at least for one night by talking to Slytherin. I think you did a great job with that whole conversation.
    Anyway, this is really long but wonderful job!

    Author's Response: Thank you: I really want to give this story a sence of realism and it's good to know that I'm succeeding to an extent ^^ 
Title: Parties and Parselmouths 24 Mar 2010 10:50 pm
Reviewer: Slythindor (Signed) [Report This]
    Love this chapter. The conversation between Salazar and Harry was perefect. Thank you for a great chapter.

    Author's Response:

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. I've always imagined Salazar as being a bit like Vetinari from Terry Pratchett's discworld: absurdly bright, innovative, passionate and highly empathetic but also manipulative, ruthless and a deadly foe. However, as he's very elderly in this fic, he's got an 'I will wear purple' type mentality: Salazar thinks, says and does what he thinks best regardless of anyone else's opinion on the matter ^^. 

Title: Training and Trainers 24 Mar 2010 4:49 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, this is the last chapter for now :( I am curious what will happen next.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I hope you will enjoy the rest of the story
Title: Training and Trainers 24 Mar 2010 4:47 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Sweets and Albus, Albus and sweets :) Lovely chapter. Mila

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, I know: you can't really have one without the other lol!
Title: The Pensieve 24 Mar 2010 3:43 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Shock therapy?
    I liked the fish explanation!

    Author's Response:


    The logic behind the pensieve is simple; if a child thinks they deserved to be abused (which, tragically, often happens) one shows them another child being abused, which will force the child to accept that, in this situation, the abuser is in the wrong, not the abused. Once this point is established, it is easier to convince the child that they were merely an innocent victim and that the abuser them was wholly in the wrong. It may seem a little harsh but, if Harry couldn't accept that he did not deserve to be abused, he would never recover. (Also, 1. Harry saw Slytherin's 'happy ever after' first, 2. the more violent memories were cut to a bare minimum and 3. he saw Slytherin being rescued.)  

Title: Interlude 3: Visit to Elb 24 Mar 2010 1:07 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    I love wizarding sweets!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, I had fun inventing those few which were original :)
Title: Uroborus 24 Mar 2010 10:33 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    Picture of Snape again? I wish i could draw!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, I wish I could just zap certain images from my mind onto the page too ^^
Title: Deliver Me 24 Mar 2010 9:21 am
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    The fish thing is very interesting. And mysterious. I likes it

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ All will be revealed ;)
Title: Training and Trainers 24 Mar 2010 8:06 am
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Nifty. It looks like Blaise is channeling Andrew Jackson - I believe he once said the same thing about spelling a word.

    Severus is going to kill Albus about the candy in his cauldrons.

    Author's Response:

    Quite probably: as a dyslexic (who attempted to write nail varnish 'nail narnish' and then spent a good 5 minutes staring at the word, trying to work out where I'd gone wrong) this is one of my favourite quotes.  

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